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Sabrina Spencer honored with a Provost Faculty Achievement Award

sabrina spencer
Congratulations to Biochemistry Professor Sabrina Spencer, recipient of a 2020 Provost Faculty Achievement Award!

From the Provost’s Letter:

“In selecting you for this award, the faculty committee pointed to the importance of your article published in the high-impact journal Science: Temporal integration of mitogen history in mother cells controls proliferation of daughter cells, which overturns the longstanding conventional paradigm of cell growth and more specifically, provides new insight into the proliferation-quiescence decision in mammalian cells. Members of the committee were deeply impressed by the rigor and attention to detail shown in your research, and noted it would be difficult to ask for better scholarship. This work has profound and far-reaching implications not only for revising our general understanding of cell biology, but also of cancer biomarkers and drug therapy.â€

Congrats Sabrina!Â