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Now Hiring! GWC Water Law Fellow

Getches-WilkinsonÌýCenterÌýWaterÌýLawÌýFellows PositionÌýAnnouncement

TheÌýGetches-WilkinsonÌýCenterÌýforÌýNaturalÌýResources,ÌýEnergyÌýandÌýtheÌýEnvironmentÌý(GWC)ÌýatÌýthe UniversityÌýof ColoradoÌýLaw School isÌýseeking anÌýoutstandingÌý—ÌýearlyÌýcareer —ÌýattorneyÌýto serve asÌýtheÌýnextÌýGWCÌýWaterÌýLawÌýFellow. TheÌýFellowÌýwillÌýworkÌýonÌýtheÌýmostÌýpressingÌýwaterÌýlawÌýreform issues of theÌýday underÌýthe guidance of the GWC and law schoolÌýfaculty and inÌýpartnershipÌýwith leaders from the non-profit, government, and private sectors.

TheÌýoverarchingÌýobjectiveÌýofÌýtheÌýWaterÌýLawÌýFellowsÌýProgramÌýisÌýtoÌýcreateÌýaÌýmatchlessÌýeducational and mentoring experience that will prepare the Fellows to become leaders in the field. The intensive program will immerse the Fellow in the real-world challenges of water law and policy. During the program, the Fellow will be actively engaged in water law reform in the public interest and will hone their leadership, communication, advocacy, and research skills.Ìý

TheÌýFellowÌýwillÌýworkÌýwith GWCÌýfacultyÌýandÌýstaff,ÌýandÌýwithÌýpartnerÌýorganizationsÌýonÌýaÌýwideÌýarray of emerging issues.ÌýThis work may be done at every level — federal, state, tribal, county, city, and international — and could include developing proposed legislation/regulations, policy implementation, and filing amicus briefs. Recent projects have focused on Tribal water rights in the Colorado River basin, proposals for reforms to Colorado water law, proposals for reform of the Wild and Scenic River Act, state development of dredge and fill programs following the Supreme Court’s SackettÌýdecision,Ìýand accessÌýto EPA fundingÌýforÌýwater infrastructureÌýprograms.

TheÌý¹ó±ð±ô±ô´Ç·É’sÌýresearchÌýagendaÌýwillÌýbeÌýdevelopedÌýcollaborativelyÌýwithÌýtheÌýsupportÌýandÌýsupervision ofÌýGWC staff.

Fellows will be expected to draft at least one paper for publication in the first year and to assist with organizing conferences, workshops, public education events, and other GWC events. FellowsÌýmayÌýalsoÌýpublishÌýwhiteÌýpapersÌýandÌýlawÌýreformÌýrecommendations;ÌýattendÌýconferencesÌýon water-related topics; perhaps offer testimony at hearings and make public addresses; draft mediaÌýcontentÌýonÌýemergingÌýissues;ÌýandÌýworkÌýonÌýprojectsÌýthatÌýdevelop in-depth expertiseÌýinÌýwater law.

Housed in the GWC at Colorado Law, the Fellow will have full access to the extraordinary resourcesÌýandÌýinstitutionalÌýsupportÌýofÌýtheÌýLawÌýSchool. ToÌýencourageÌýmulti-disciplinaryÌýsolutions, the Fellow will be able to draw on expertise in departments across the University and nearby nationalÌýlaboratories.ÌýUnderÌýtheÌýguidanceÌýofÌýtheÌýGWC,ÌýtheÌýFellowÌýwillÌýworkÌýwithÌýexpertsÌýinÌýNGOs, government, and the private sector.


TheÌýÌýadvancesÌýthe truly sustainable management and conservation of natural resources, with a focus on the American West, by:

InfluencingÌýnaturalÌýresourcesÌýlawÌýandÌýpolicy,ÌýincludingÌýissuesÌýofÌýwater,Ìýland,Ìýclimate change, and the rights of Tribes and Indigenous Peoples; and

Educating,ÌýinspiringÌýandÌýmentoringÌýtheÌýnextÌýgenerationÌýofÌýcommittedÌýlawyersÌýand advocates devoted to justice and equity.

Major programs and initiatives focus on natural resources, water and public lands issues in Colorado and the West; Tribal communities and environmental justice; climate change law and policy; and electricity regulation and energy policy. The name comes from the contributions of two iconic figures in the law school’s environmental law history, David Getches and Charles Wilkinson.



Fellowship terms

Start Date: The start date is flexible, with the Fellow able to begin anytime between March 1, 2025, and September 1, 2025.
Duration: This is a one-year appointment, with the option to extend for a second year upon mutual agreement between GWC and the Fellow.
Salary: $70,000 per year.
Additional Support: Includes a budget for travel and training.
Location: The position is based in Boulder, Colorado. The Fellow will be expected to maintain a regular presence at the GWC offices at the University of Colorado Law School, with some remote work allowed.

The University of Colorado offers excellent , including medical and dental healthcare coverage, and an ECO (transit) Pass. The Â鶹Ãâ·Ñ°æÏÂÔØ is one of the largest employers in Boulder County and offers an inspiring higher education environment.
LearnÌýmoreÌýaboutÌýthe .


  • J.D.
  • OneÌýyearÌýofÌýrelevantÌýprofessionalÌýexperienceÌýafterÌýgraduationÌýfromÌýlawÌýschoolÌýorÌýa demonstrated commitment to water-related issues during law school. Applicants completing a judicial clerkship are encouraged to apply.
  • ExcellentÌýresearchÌýandÌýwritingÌýskills.


  • StrongÌýacademicÌýrecord.
  • DemonstratedÌýexperienceÌýorÌýbackgroundÌýinÌýwaterÌýlawÌýorÌýrelatedÌýfield.
  • DemonstratedÌýexperienceÌýinÌýenvironmentalÌýresearch.
  • CommitmentÌýtoÌýservingÌýdiverseÌýandÌýunderrepresentedÌýcommunities.
  • ProvenÌýtrackÌýrecordÌýofÌýworkingÌýwellÌýasÌýaÌýteamÌýmember.


ToÌýapply,ÌýpleaseÌýsubmitÌýtheÌýfollowingÌýmaterialsÌýto annie.carlozzi@colorado.edu forÌýfull consideration:

  1. AÌýprofessionalÌýresumeÌý(twoÌýpagesÌýmaximum).
  2. AÌýcoverÌýletterÌýthat specificallyÌýaddressesÌýhowÌýyourÌýinterestÌýinÌýtheÌýFellowsÌýprogramÌýand how your background and experience align with the requirements, qualifications and responsibilities of the position.
  3. LawÌýschoolÌýtranscript (unofficialÌýtranscriptÌýisÌýacceptable).
  4. AÌýwritingÌýsampleÌýofÌýnotÌýmoreÌýthanÌý10 pages.

ApplicationsÌýwillÌýbeÌýreviewedÌýonÌýaÌýrollingÌýbasisÌýuntilÌýtheÌýpositionÌýisÌýfilled.ÌýApplicantsÌýare encouraged to apply as soon as possible.

TheÌýWaterÌýLawÌýFellowshipÌýisÌýopenÌýtoÌýindividualsÌýregardlessÌýofÌýrace,Ìýnational origin,Ìýreligion,Ìýage, disability, sexual orientation, ethnicity, or gender. We encourage individuals from groups historically underrepresented in environmental conservation to apply.

ForÌýfurtherÌýinformation,ÌýpleaseÌýfeelÌýfreeÌýtoÌýcontactÌýGWCÌýAssistantÌýDirector, AnnieÌýCarlozziÌýat annie.carlozzi@colorado.eduÌýor 303-492-1286.

Download GWC Water Law Fellow Position Announcement