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ChBE Professor Emeritus Bill Krantz Wins ES&T’s 2013 Best Paper on Environmental Technology

Bill Krantz

Since retiring from ChBE in 1999, Professor EmeritusWilliam (Bill) Krantzhas stayed active in the fields of water treatment and desalination.

Each year Krantz spends approximately 3 months doing research as a Visiting Professor at the Singapore Membrane Technology Center at Nanyang Technological University. His idea for cryogels recently led to anEnvironmental Science & Technologyvoted as.

In 2013, 1730 papers were published inES&Ton a wide range of topics. TheES&TAssociate Editors and Editorial Advisory Board nominated the highest caliber papers for Best Paper status. Winners are expected to make a large and long-lasting impact on the field.

The winning paper by Krantz and his colleagues, titled "Superabsorbent Cryogels Decorated with Silver Nanoparticles as a Novel Water Technology for Point-of-Use Disinfection," reports on the use of high porosity poly(sodium acrylate) cryogels uniformly dispersed with silver nanoparticles for rapid water disinfection.

This research was also.

Krantz attests, “Retirement is not necessarily the end of the road. I am enjoying research more and publishing more than at any time in my career!”