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Reitzammer Associate Professor Department of Classics University of Colorado at Boulder, UCB 248 Boulder, CO 80309-0248 303-492-6570; reitzammer@colorado.edu EDUCATION: University of California, Berkeley, Ph.D. Classics 2006 American School of Classical Studies at Athens, Associate Member 2003-2004 University of California, Berkeley, M.A. Greek 2001 UCLA, Post-Baccalaureate, Classics 1997-1999 Brown University, B.A. Comparative Literature (French & English), magna cum laude 1995 EMPLOYMENT: Associate Professor of Classics, University of Colorado, Boulder 2016- Assistant Professor of Classics, University of Colorado, Boulder 2008-16 Postdoctoral Fellow, Introduction to the Humanities, Stanford University 2007-08 Full-Time Lecturer, Temple University 2006-07 TEACHING AND RESEARCH INTERESTS: Greek Literature and Cultural History Greek Religion and Mythology Classical Reception BOOK: The Athenian Adonia in Context: The Adonis Festival as Cultural Practice (May 2016, Wisconsin University Press, 261 pages, 23 illustrations) Reviews S. Deacy, Journal of Hellenic Studies, November 7, 2017 J. McInerney, Bryn Mawr Classical Review, May 30, 2017 J. Larson, Journal of Folklore Research, January 11, 2017 PEER-REVIEWED JOURNAL ARTICLES: Birds, Stars, and Female Mousik: Visions of Escape in Euripidean Choral Odes Bulletin of the Institute for Classical Studies 67.1: 32-44 (2024) Reimagining Euripides Medea: Pre-Colonial Indigenous Elements in Alfaros Mojada. American Journal of Philology 144.3:473-501 (2023) Ismenes Hat (Sophocles Oedipus at Colonus, 313-14). Classical Philology 116.4: 588-92 (2021) Sightseeing at Colonus: Oedipus, Ismene, and Antigone as Theroi in Oedipus at Colonus. Classical Antiquity 37.1: 108-50 (2018) Aristophanes' Adniazousai. Classical Antiquity 27.2: 282-333 (2008) A Hellenistic Terracotta and the Gardens of Adonis. (co-authored with John Oakley), Journal of Hellenic Studies 125: 142-44 (2005) INVITED PUBLICATIONS: Difficult Conversations Teaching Alfaros Mojada, In The Art and Artistry of Luis Alfaro: Reimagining Classics in the Classroom and Community, edited by Young Richard Kim (in press) Oedipus Lament: Waking and Refashioning the Traumatic Past in Sophocles Oedipus at Colonus. In Emotional Trauma in Greece and Rome: Representations and Reactions, A. Karanika and L. Panoussi, eds., Routledge (2020) Euripides Bacchae. In Blackwell Companion to Euripides, ed. L. McClure (2017) Aristophanes and Catharsis, entries in the Routledge Dictionary of Ancient Mediterranean Religions, eds. E. Orlin, L. Fried, N. Denzey Lewis, and M. Satlow. New York (2015) WORK IN PROGRESS: The Invention of Dramatic Theria: Sacred Sightseeing, Gender, and Politics in Athenian Drama (second book project) The New Euripides, co-edited with John Gibert and Yvona Trnka-Amrhein (edited volume, Harvard University Press), includes essay, Ino and the Earth Euripides (monograph, Brills Research Perspectives in Classical Poetry) Cult (co-authored with V. Panoussi, an essay in The Oxford Handbook on Gender and Sexuality in the Greek and Roman Worlds, edited by Antony Augustakis and Allison Glazebrook Dionysus, Ivy, and the Rhizomatic in Euripides Bacchae, an essay in Cultural Poetics in Ancient Greece: New Approaches, edited by M. Foster and N. Weiss REVIEWS: Bryn Mawr Classical Review 2023.02.03. Peter Meineck,Aristophanes. Frogs. Indianapolis: Hackett Publishing, 2021 OUTREACH ARTICLES: For the Ancient Greeks, Immigrants Were a Boon and Threat to Homeland Security, Zocal Public Square, April 10, 2017, reprinted in Houston Chronicle, What the US Can Learn about Immigration from Ancient Greek Myths, April 17, 2017 Mourning Prince, Ziggy Stardust, and Oedipus, Zocal Public Square, May 19, 2016, reprinted in Slate, Grief for the Ages: How Mourning on Social Media is Like Mourning in Ancient Greece, May 27, 2016 SESSIONS ORGANIZED: Putting Objects with Gods/Putting Gods with Objects: Divine Attributes and Materiality in Ancient Mediterranean Religion and Mythology, with Ellie Mackin Roberts, Celtic Classics Conference, July 15-18, 2025, Coimbra, Portugal Transgressive Spaces in Classical Antiquity, with Sarah Levin-Richardson, American Philological Association, 2013, Seattle, WA INVITED TALKS: Making Space in Thebes: Euripides Phoenician Women and the Creation of a Theoric Site, Brown University, November 8, 2024 Dionysus, Ivy, and the Rhizomatic in Euripides Bacchae, Cultural Poetics in Ancient Greece: New Approaches, A Conference in Honor of Leslie Kurke, Berkeley, September 5-7, 2024 Theria and Displacement: Io and the Danaids in Aeschylus Suppliants, Langford Conference, Displaced Persons in the Greco-Roman World, FSU, February 23-24, 2024 Euripides Bacchae and Theria: A Rhizomatic and Arborescent Reading, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, March 29, 2023 Sight Lines and Theria in Aristophanes, The Line and the Turn: Readings of Greek Poetry in Honor of Seth Schein, University of Chicago, May 14, 2022 Asteria, Unwilling Daughter of Coeus: The Island of Delos and a Female-Centered Aetiology of Theria, University of Cincinnati (April 2022) Birds, Stars, and Female Mousik: Visions of Escape in Euripidean Choral Odes, A Festive Gathering in Honor of Gloria Ferrari Pinneys 80th Birthday, February 2022 (by zoom) The Adonis Festival and Other Womens Festivals, Oberlin, July 29, 2021 (by zoom) Theria-the-Porn and Theoric Mothers: Sacred Sightseeing in Aristophanes Peace and Lysistrata, University of Washington, May 21, 2021 (by zoom) Reimagining Euripides Medea: Citizenship, the Barrio, and Telling Stories about Birds in Luis Alfaros Mojada, Williams College, October 10, 2019 Travel, Walls, and Parthenoi in Euripides Phoenician Women, Euripides Phoenissae Workshop, University of California, Berkeley, May 17, 2019. Sex, Drugs, and Kettle-Drums: Euripides' Bacchae and Athenian Religion, University of California, Davis, February 2011; Stanford University, November 2007 Playing on the Margins: Socrates the Gardener in Plato's Phaedrus, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, September 2006 PROFESSIONAL PRESENTATIONS (Selection): Dionysus and Ivy, Celtic Classics Conference, Coimbra, Portugal, July 15-18, 2025 The Panathenaea, Ritual Viewing, and Euripides Ion, Classical Association, University of St. Andrews, Scotland, July 11-13, 2025 Ritual Viewing at Delphi: Euripides Ion and the Temple of Apollo, CAMWS, Urbana-Champaign, March 19-22, 2025 Re-Founding Thebes: Euripides Phoenician Women and the Chorus Song Cycle, CAMWS, St. Louis, MO, April 5, 2024 Asteria and Leto: The Island of Delos, Sisters, and Theria, Society for Classical Studies, Chicago, IL, January 2024 The Island of Delos on a Warsaw Kylix: Maenads, the Female Life Cycle, and Choreia, Celtic Classics Conference, Religion and Movement Panel, Coimbra, Portugal, July 12, 2023 Io and Prometheus in [Aeschylus] Prometheus Bound: Suffering Bodies and Theoria, Feminism and Classics 2022, Winston-Salem, NC (rescheduled from 2020, COVID) Theoria and Gender in Aristophanes Peace and Lysistrata, CAMWS, Cleveland (virtual), April 2021 Reimagining Creon and his Daughter in Euripides Medea: Armida as Queen of the Barrio in Luis Alfaros Mojada: A Medea in Los Angeles, Society for Classical Studies, January 2019 Return to Bands of Maidens: Female Choruses and Euripidean Escape Odes, CAMWS, Albuquerque, April 11-13, 2018 Imaginary Geographies: Globetrotting through Song in Euripides Bacchae. Greek Drama V, July 5-8, 2017, Vancouver, BC The Sound of the Nightingale: Oedipus, Ismene, and Antigone in Sophocles Oedipus at Colonus, European Cultural Center in Delphi, Greece, June 23-26, 2016 Female Sightseers: Antigone and Ismene in Oedipus at Colonus, Feminism and Classics VII, University of Washington, Seattle, May 2016 Resident Aliens: The Metic as Metaphor for Female Figures on the Tragic Stage, Rocky Mountain Modern Language Association, Santa Fe, New Mexico, October 2015 Beginning Classical Greek Online, Society for Classical Studies, New Orleans, LA, January 2015 Approaching Olympus: Praxinoa and Gorgo at the Adonia, Theocritus Idyll 15 University of Texas, San Antonio, Brackenridge Classics Symposium, Change and Identity in Ancient Ritual and Poetry, March 8-9, 2013 Sophocles Antigone as Metic, Rocky Mountain Modern Language Association, Snowbird, Utah, October 2009 Stairway to Heaven: Women on Ladders at the Adonia, American Philological Association, Chicago, IL, January 2008 Out of the oikos and onto the Rooftops: The Athenian Adonia, Wellesley, April 2007 Aristophanes Adniazousai, American Philological Association, Boston, MA, January 2005 OUTREACH LECTURES, WORKSHOPS, and PRESENTATIONS: Ino and the Earth, September 14, 2024, Celia M. Fountain Symposium, 鶹Ѱ Guest Lectures, 鶹Ѱclasses: Fall 2023 (Euripides Ino, John Gibert, Aeschylus, Classics grad/undergrad class); Fall 2023 (Homer and Objects, Julie Carr, English Graduate Seminar, Poetry of War) FTEP Presentation, Incorporating Scholarship in Teaching, March 2019, September 2019 Presentation on Research and Teaching, Research and Innovation Office, 鶹ѰBoulder April 2018 Greek in a Day, session presented at Colorado Classics Day, Fall 2015, Fall 2017, Fall 2021 Travelers and Immigrants in Greek Mythology, 鶹ѰRetired Faculty Association, University of Colorado, Boulder, Wednesday, December 6, 2017 Travelers and Immigrants in Greek Mythology, McClanahan Lecture Series, University of Colorado, Boulder, Wednesday, October 11, 2017 From A(phrodite) to Z(eus): An Introduction to Ancient Greek Religion, Boulder Public Library, February 2012 (within the series, Attic Nights, general-interest public lectures on Greek and Roman art, literature, and religion, presented by the Department of Classics) HONORS, GRANTS, AND AWARDS: External Grants and Awards: Loeb Classical Library Fellowship (research fellowship, Spring 2023) CAMWS Award for Excellence in College Teaching 2018-19 Loeb Classical Library Fellowship (research fellowship, Fall 2012) Jacob Javits Fellowship, 1999-2001; 2002-2004 University of Colorado, Boulder Grants and Awards: Arts and Sciences Fund for Excellence: Summer 2015 (travel grant for conference in Coimbra, Portugal) College Scholar Award (Spring 2024) Outstanding Faculty Mentor Award 2022-23 Kayden Research Grant (Summer 2021, deferred until Summer 2022, COVID) LEAP Grant, 1 course release (Fall 2020) Center for Humanities and the Arts Faculty Fellowship (Spring 2017) Kayden Book Subvention Award (Spring 2016) Arts and Sciences Fund for Excellence: Fall 2024 (travel grant for conference in Coimbra, Portugal); Spring 2017 (travel grant for conference in Vancouver, British Columbia); Spring 2016 (travel grant for conference in Delphi, Greece); Spring 2015 (grant for second book project) GCAH research grant for second book project (Spring 2015) Boulder Faculty Assembly Faculty Excellence Award for Teaching (Spring 2014) Center for Humanities and the Arts, book subvention award (Spring 2013) Deans Fund for Excellence, 2013 (travel grant for Brackenridge Symposium, San Antonio, 2013) Gamm Award for Interdisciplinary Teaching, for proposal of Gods and Monsters: The Greek and Hindu Epics, (with Assistant Professor of Asian Languages, Laura Brueck) CHA Small Grant to bring Professor Deborah Kamen to speak to class by Zoom (September 2020) GCAH Visiting Scholar Grant, Seth Schein (Emeritus Professor of Comparative Literature, University of California, Davis, Spring 2020, canceled, COVID); Peter Bing (Professor of Classics, Emory, Fall 2018); Deborah Kamen (Associate Professor of Classics, University of Washington, Fall 2017); Seth Schein (Professor of Comparative Literature, University of California, Davis), Spring 2013; Edith Hall (Professor of Classics and Drama at Royal Holloway, University of London), Spring 2010 CWCTP/Benson Visiting Scholar Grant, Seth Schein (Emeritus Professor of Comparative Literature, University of California, Davis, Spring 2020, canceled, COVID); Peter Bing (Professor of Classics, Emory, Fall 2018); Jason Pedicone (President, Paideia Institute, Fall 2017), Deborah Kamen (Associate Professor, University of Washington, Fall 2017) TEACHING AT UNIVERSITY OF COLORADO AT BOULDER: Courses Taught: Hesiod and Hymns, GREK 4023/5023, advanced undergraduate/graduate language class, Fall 2021 Aeschylus Prometheus Bound and Suppliant Women, GREK 4023/5023, advanced undergraduate/graduate language class, Fall 2019 Aristophanes, GREK 4023/5023, advanced language class, Fall 2015 (Lysistrata and Thesmophoriazousai), Fall 2020 (Peace and Lysistrata) Euripides Ion and Bacchae, GREK 4023/5023, advanced undergraduate/graduate language class, Fall 2022 Euripides Phoenician Women and Iphigenia at Aulis, GREK 4023/5023, advanced undergraduate/graduate language class, Spring 2019 Sophocles, CLAS 4023/5023, advanced undergraduate/graduate language class, Spring 2012; Oedipus the King and Oedipus at Colonus, Fall 2024 Plato and Poetry, GREK 4013/5013, advanced language class, Spring 2010 Greek Survey, GREK 4093/5093, Fall 2017, Spring 2020, advanced graduate language course Homer, CLAS 6003, advanced graduate language course, Spring 2015 Euripides, CLAS 6003, graduate seminar, Spring 2009 Greek Mythology and Religion, CLAS 7012, graduate seminar, Fall 2013 Intermediate Greek 3123: Homeric Hymns, undergraduate language course, Spring 2022 Intermediate Greek 3123: Euripides Ion, undergraduate language course, Spring 2021 Intermediate Greek 3123: Sophocles Oedipus at Colonus, undergraduate language course, Spring 2016 Intermediate Greek 3113: Xenophons Symposium, undergraduate language course, Fall 2024 Intermediate Greek 3123: Homers Iliad, undergraduate language course, Spring 2014 Intermediate Greek 3113: Lysias, language course, Fall 2009, Fall 2014 Intermediate Greek 3113: Platos Apology, language course, Fall 2011 Intermediate Greek 3113: Platos Symposium, language course, Fall 2008 Intermediate Greek 3013: New Testament Greek, 1-credit undergrad language course, Fall 2021 (Acts of the Apostles), Spring 2022 (Gospel of John), Fall 2024 (Gospel of Luke) Beginning Classical Greek 1 and 2, GREK 1013 and 1023, undergraduate language class, Fall 2013 and Spring 2014 Online Introduction to Classical Greek, GREK 1013 and 1023 (created over 100 short videos for these two online classes), Summer 2013 Immigrants and Refugees in Literature and Thought, Ancient and Modern, CLAS 1000, Fall 2017, Fall 2018, First Year Seminar, undergraduate course in translation Immigrants and Travelers in Ancient Greece, CLAS 4040, advanced undergraduate seminar, Fall 2015 Gender and Sexuality in Ancient Greece, CLAS 2100/WMST 2100, large undergraduate lecture course, with 35% Teaching Assistant, Fall 2014, Spring 2015, Fall 2018, Fall 2019, Fall 2022 Greek Ritual and Gender, CLAS 4040, advanced undergraduate seminar, Spring 2012, Spring 2009 Greek and Roman Mythology, CLAS 1100, large undergraduate lecture course, with 35% Teaching Assistant, Spring 2018, Fall 2011, Fall 2009, Fall 2008 Greek and Roman Mythology, CLAS 1100, 210 students, with two sections of my own and three 45% Teaching Assistants, Spring 2021; 286 students, with two sections of my own and four 45% Teaching Assistants, Spring 2025 Greek and Roman Tragedy, CLAS 4120, undergraduate course, Spring 2010 Dissertations Supervised: Brooke Latham, Dysphemia: Ritual Speech and Gender in Aeschylus and Euripides (2024) Dissertation Committee Member for: David Chu (Title TBD, in progress, supervised by John Gibert) Florencia Foxley (2021) (Anomalous Marriages in Euripides: Andromache, Electra, and Phoenician Women, supervised by John Gibert) Elizabeth Deacon (Status, Closure, and Plot: The Perpetuation of Social Hierarchy in the Greek Ideal Novel (2019) supervised by John Gibert) Reina Callier (2015): Missing Persons: Character, Context, and Ovidian Poetics (supervised by Carole Newlands) Jennifer Starkey (2012): Sophocles the Honeybee: Dramatic Context and Interaction (supervised by John Gibert) External Dissertation Committee Member for: Cecilia Cozzi (2023) The Telemachus Complex: Becoming Heirs on the Tragic Stage, University of Cincinnati, supervised by Kathryn Gutzwiller Kirsten Jaqua (2022) Songs that Bind: The Significance of Female Chorus-Protagonist Bonds in Euripidean Tragedy, University of California, Santa Barbara, supervised by Francis Dunn Principal Advisor for Honors Thesis: Kristofer Slimko (2025): Nonnus Dionysiaca Petra Jouflas, A Queer Reading of Euripides Bacchae, Spring 2023 Olivia Bulik, Female Visibility in Ancient Greece through Religious Participation: A Case Study of Lysimache, Spring 2021 Caden Hanrahan, Athena in the Odyssey: Gender and Transformation, Spring 2021 Marina Goggin, The Limits of Dionysiac Liberation in Euripides Bacchae, Spring 2015 Jennifer Greenberg, Disease Imagery in Sophocles, Spring 2010 Honors Thesis Committee Member for: Ainsley Dodson (2025) Abigail Horton (2025) Kirsten Jaqua (2015): Femininity Unveiled: Perspectives on the Protagonists of Medea and Trachiniae Lucas Monson (2013): Sallusts Bellum Jugurthium and the Experience of the Roman Soldier Lisa Ridge (2013): Artemis in Myth and Cult Rachel Janoso (2013): Pregnancy through Childbirth: A Midwifes Perspective of Gynecological Practices in 2nd C CE Greco-Roman Society Andrew Meis (2013): The Unity of Characterization and Genre in Platos Symposium Independent Studies Supervised: Nonnus Dionysiaca, 1 undergraduate student, Fall 2024 Euripides Bacchae and Queer/Trans Theory, 1 undergraduate student, Fall 2022 Lysimache and Priestess Authority, 1 undergraduate student, Fall 2020 Athenas Epiphanies in Homers Odyssey, 1 undergraduate student, Fall 2020 Greek Mythology and Religion, Spring 2020, 3 graduate students Greek Mythology and Religion, Spring 2018, 1 graduate student Greek Mythology and Religion, Spring 2016, 1 graduate student Euripides Bacchae, Freedom, and Slavery, 1 undergraduate student, Fall 2014 Sophocles Oedipus at Colonus, Fall 2014, 1 graduate student Mad Women: A Study in Greek Iconography to Produce a Representation and Translation of Euripides Bacchae in Graphic Novel Form (Spring 2013); 1 graduate student Greek Religion (Spring 2010); 1 graduate student Sophocles and the Medical Writers, 1 undergraduate student, Fall 2009 Aeschylus Persians and Prometheus Bound (Fall 2009); 1 graduate student Sophocles Antigone (Spring 2009); 1 graduate student Euripides Bacchae, Hippolytus, and Medea (Spring 2009); 1 graduate student TEACHING AT OTHER INSTITUTIONS: Stanford University Inventing Classics, Winter/Spring 2008 Temple University Gender in Antiquity, undergraduate course, Spring 2007 Greek Drama, undergraduate course, Spring 2007 Introduction to Greek, language course, Spring 2007 Euripides' Bacchae, undergraduate language course, Fall 2006 Classical Epic, undergraduate course, Fall 2006 Introduction to Latin, language course, Fall 2006 University of California, Berkeley Greek Tragedy, Summer 2006 Introduction to Greek Civilization, Summer 2005 History of Sexualities (Teaching Assistant), Spring 2005 The Greek Workshop (Teaching Assistant), Summer 2002 Latin 2, Spring 2002; Latin 1, Fall 2001 San Quentin Prison Ancient History (Team-taught), Spring 2000 Writing and Composition (Team-taught), Summer 2002 PROFESSIONAL SERVICE AND OTHER EXPERIENCE: Service to the Department of Classics Associate Chair for Graduate Studies (Fall 2015-Spring 2016, Fall 2017-Spring 2018; Fall 2018-Spring 2019; Fall 2019-Spring 2020) Executive Committee, Dept of Classics (Fall 2018-Spring 2019; Fall 2020-Spring 2021; Fall 2021-Spring 2022) Brown Bag Teaching Discussions for Classics Grad Students, Spring 2015 Graduate Studies Committee, Fall 2014-Spring 2015 Member of ARPAC Committee, Fall 2015-Spring 2016 Director of Online Ancient Greek Program, Spring 2013- Fall 2024 (tasks include creation of over 100 short videos, building a web site for online program, fielding on average 100 emails/year) Dwyer Translation Prize Committee, Spring 2013-Spring 2015, Spring 2021, Fall 2022 Honors Representative, Spring 2013; Fall 2013; Fall 2024-2025 Celia M. Fountain Symposium Committee, Fall 2012-Spring 2013; Fall 2013-Spring 2014 (Chair); Fall 2014-Spring 2015 (Chair) Chair of Mary E. V. McClanahan Graduate Essay Prize, Fall 2011, Fall 2017, Fall 2018; committee member, Fall 2014, Fall 2021 Chair of Diversity Committee (Fall 2010-Spring 2011; Fall 2011-Spring 2012) Chair of Lecture Committee (Fall 2011-Spring 2012, Fall 2013-Spring 2015); committee member Fall 2021-Spring 2022 Undergraduate Studies Committee (Fall 2009-Spring 2010; Fall 2012-Spring 2013; Fall 2021-Fall 2022; Fall 2024) Chair of Library Committee, Fall 2008-Spring 2010 Primary Unit Evaluation Committee (PUEC, case for tenure and promotion), Fall 2024, Fall 2025 Member of search committee for position in Greek literature 2016-2017 Post-tenure review committee (2016, 2022, 2025) Outreach: Colorado Classics Day Theory Reading Group for Graduate Students and Advanced Undergraduates (with Professor Zach Herz), Fall 2022-Spring 2023 Service to the Division of Arts and Humanities and Campus Member of the Kayden Book Prize Committee (Spring 2016) Organized networking event and reception for humanities, arts, and humanistic social sciences graduate students with John Paulas and PhD Matters (Fall 2018) Director (Arts and Humanities) Early Career Faculty Program (Fall 2019- Spring 2020; Fall 2020-Spring 2021) Member of First-Year Experience Advisory Board (Fall 2018-Spring 2019; Fall 2019-Spring 2020) FTEP Faculty Associate Fall 2018-2019 BFA Library Committee, at-large representative, Spring 2015- Spring 2017 Member of FTEP Advisory Board, Spring 2015-Spring 2016, Fall 2017-Spring 2018; Fall 2018- Spring Spring 2020 Member of Fulbright Application Committee, Fall 2011 External examiner for English Department Honors thesis (Lauren Thurman, 2015: I Ship It: Slash Writing as a Critical Tool in Media Fandom) Service to the Profession Member of CAMWS Strategic Planning Committee (July 2023-June 2026) Referee for Wisconsin University Press (Fall 2016) Member of SCS Pearson Fellowship Committee, Fall 2017-Spring 2020 Member of ad hoc committee, CAMWS Teacher Training Initiative, Fall 2019-Spring 2020 Member of ASCSA Managing Committee, Spring 2017present Referee for Classical Philology (2023), Classical Antiquity (2023, 2009, 2022), Phoenix (2010), Arethusa (2011), ARYS (2023), American Journal of Philology (2012, 2021), Classical Journal (2023, 2018, 2023), Classical Quarterly (2019) Member of American Philological Association, Lambda Classical Caucus, Womens Classical Caucus, Classical Association of the Middle West and South PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT: Faculty Leadership Institute, Fall 2017-Spring 2018 Seminars and Workshops Crucial Conversations (Summer 2018) COLTT (Colorado Learning and Teaching with Technology), attended sessions, including one where my online Greek materials were featured in a panel on innovative uses of Adobe Connect (2013) FTEP workshop on the Teaching Portfolio, Spring 2012 LEAP 3-day Introductory Leadership workshop, Spring 2010 Early Career Faculty Program Dinner, Spring 2010 Early Career Faculty Program on FRPA, Spring 2010 FTEP workshop, What Do You Want Them to Learn, Spring 2010 FTEP workshop on Mindfulness and Teaching, Spring 2009 Seminar on Clicker Training, Spring 2009 FTEP workshop, First Things First: Creating a Syllabus, Fall 2009     PAGE  PAGE 1 CV- Reitzammer (?jO P  ! 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