outreach /classics/ en Colorado Classics Day 2021 /classics/2021/09/25/colorado-classics-day-2021 Colorado Classics Day 2021 Anonymous (not verified) Sat, 09/25/2021 - 00:00 Categories: 2021 News and Events Tags: classics day events outreach spotlight

On September 25, 2021, the Â鶹Ãâ·Ñ°æÏÂÔØBoulder Department of Classics is excited to host Colorado Classics Day! Every year, we welcome high-school and middle-school students from across the state of Colorado to see Boulder's campus, and to participate in workshops about the ancient world led by our faculty and graduate students. This year we will be hosting the event virtually, and we're excited to see you there! See the schedule of the day below.  Please contact Zach Herz zachary.herz@colorado.edu for information on attending or if you have any questions.

September 25, 2021
Virtual (via Zoom)

Welcome Address

10 A.M.

Session 1

10:15 - 11:00 A.M.

Class A: Latin Strength Training for the Life Sciences (Why It's No Joke That the Humerus Is Latin)
Pierre Habel, Colorado Classics Association

Calling all future MDs, Physician Assistants, RNs, DVMs, dentists, and biologists! We often hear that students of Latin enjoy advantages when they pursue degrees and careers in biology and the life sciences. Why? Because Latin is built into the technical terms of these disciplines. You’ll learn the truth of it as we examine and learn how the systems of Latin vocabulary and grammar shape the nomenclature of the human skeletal and muscular systems. You’ll acquire eight tools from Latin, and with them you’ll have a tremendously easier time mastering the nearly 800 bones and muscles of the human body!

Class B: A Pixar Odyssey?
Jacob Horton, Â鶹Ãâ·Ñ°æÏÂÔØBoulder

The Odyssey is a riveting tale of a man forced to face dangerous monsters and vengeful gods in his quest to return home to his family. One of the most famous stories from the Ancient Greek world, Odysseus’ adventures, whether it be facing off against the hungry cyclops or dealing with the Sirens, were the stuff of legend for those living in the ancient world. However, the structure and themes of The Odyssey are as much alive now as they were back then. In this workshop I will not only provide a brief introduction to The Odyssey, but also dive into how the story has inspired numerous modern movies.

Class C: Archaeology to the Rescue!
Stephanie Kimmey, Colorado College

You might know that archaeologists dig in the dirt looking for things from past civilizations. But did you know that they also spend time trying to put together puzzles with missing pieces? Or that they have to dig overnight to protect sites from robbers? The past few years I’ve been excavating Bronze Age tombs that have attracted robbers who only go looking for valuable items or treasures. In this session, you will get a look at what archaeology in Greece really looks like. I’ll show you a little of what we’ve found, but also talk about why we aren’t treasure hunters (even if that’s what it looks like in the movies) and why it is important to keep excavating and studying ancient materials. Because, yes, there is still so much more to find!

(Please note, this presentation will display images of human remains.)

Class D: Egyptian Stories: The Tale of the Shipwrecked Sailor
Kate Newell, Â鶹Ãâ·Ñ°æÏÂÔØBoulder

What did the ancient Egyptians like to read? In this presentation, you will learn about Middle Kingdom Egypt (2030 ~1650 B.C.E.), the golden age of Egyptian literature! We first introduce the Middle Egyptian language and give you the chance to determine your own pharaonic name! After discussing how scribes came to write folk stories and religious texts, we will puzzle through the hieroglyphs and read a portion of The Tale of the Shipwrecked Sailor. Preserved on only one papyrus, this is a story within a story, featuring a seafaring expedition that goes awry and maroons the only survivor on the Island of Ka with an unexpected friend!

Session 2

11:15 A.M.- 12:00 P.M.

Class E: Women in Latin Literature
Reina Callier, Â鶹Ãâ·Ñ°æÏÂÔØBoulder

From the legends of early Rome to the journey of Perpetua, this workshop will present a quick survey of some lesser-known Roman women who appear in - and write! - Latin literature, including Hersilia, Cloelia, Claudia Quinta, Terentia, Tullia, Sulpicia, Perpetua, and others. We'll use histories, poetry, and letters in our investigation, as well as some Roman inscriptions if we have time!

Class F: Decipher a Roman Gravestone
Peter Hunt, Â鶹Ãâ·Ñ°æÏÂÔØBoulder

Ancient epitaphs open a window on classical Roman society that is especially valuable when it comes to slaves and ex-slaves, for whom our other evidence is limited. In this session, you’ll learn how to read some simple epitaphs (no prior Latin required) and we’ll explore the stories they tell—including a murder mystery.  We’ll also talk about what epitaphs can and cannot tell us about life expectancy, marriage patterns, and disease in ancient Rome.

Class G: Learn Greek in a Day!
Lauri Reitzammer, Â鶹Ãâ·Ñ°æÏÂÔØBoulder

This mini-course will introduce participants to the Greek alphabet, some basic Greek vocabulary commonly found in English, and important concepts in Greek language and literature.

Class H: Digging Up Dance in Ancient Greece and Rome
Hannah Slough, Â鶹Ãâ·Ñ°æÏÂÔØBoulder

What kind of dances were performed even before such ancient steps as the "Cabbage Patch" or "The Carlton"? And how do we know what they looked like without thousand-year-old TikToks to show us? This session will explore the process of uncovering and understanding dance traditions of Ancient Greece and Rome through storytelling and sculpture. Participants will learn about the cultural significance of dance in the Classical world as they apply their own understanding of dance in 2021. Although some aspects of Greek and Roman dance history will always be unknown, this session will leave participants without a doubt of the importance of their fresh n' funky perspectives in the field of classical archaeology.

Panel Discussion

1:00 P.M.

What Can You Do With A Classics Degree?

You already know that you can get a Classics degree and teach Latin or Greek. But you can also be a lawyer, a doctor, or anything else you want! In this panel, you’ll hear from teachers and professors about all of the different ways college Classics prepares you for The World.

Closing Remarks

2:00 P.M.



Please join us for Colorado Classics Day on September 25th!


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Sat, 25 Sep 2021 06:00:00 +0000 Anonymous 1733 at /classics
Summer Online Greek - 2020 /classics/2020/02/01/summer-online-greek-2020 Summer Online Greek - 2020 Anonymous (not verified) Sat, 02/01/2020 - 00:00 Categories: 2020 News and Events Tags: events news online greek outreach reitzammer


Beginning Classical Greek provides an opportunity for highly motivated students to immerse themselves in the study of ancient Greek so that they may progress rapidly through Greek grammar and then into reading Greek texts at the intermediate level. This two-course series will be intense and fast-paced, with daily quizzes, as well as weekly tests. It will require a substantial time commitment. However, upon successful completion of the course, students will be able to begin reading the likes of Homer, Plato, and Sophocles -- and that is a summer well-spent!

Introductory Greek 1 June 1 - July 2
Introductory Greek 2 July 7 - August 7
Tuition and Fees: $1,708 each course

For more information, contact  Professor Lauri Reitzammer (reitzammer@colorado.edu)

No affiliation with the Â鶹Ãâ·Ñ°æÏÂÔØ necessary. Course may be completed remotely, entirely online.

See the full Online Greek Poster

See the Online Greek Page


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Sat, 01 Feb 2020 07:00:00 +0000 Anonymous 1199 at /classics
Aequora at Casey Middle School /classics/2019/05/23/aequora-casey-middle-school Aequora at Casey Middle School Anonymous (not verified) Thu, 05/23/2019 - 07:50 Categories: 2019 News and Events Tags: announcements events news outreach

The Boulder Classics Department now co-ordinates an  site at Casey Middle School: using Aequora’s specially designed curriculum, we harness the classical languages’ power to improve literacy while making the ancient mediterranean world fun and accessible to students of all backgrounds. Students who take Latin routinely outperform their peers on the verbal section of the SAT and on other standardized tests. That’s far from the only reason , though. The textbook we use, Aequora: Teaching Literacy with Latin, introduces the basics of Latin vocabulary and grammar, Roman culture and mythology, and connections between Latin, English, and Spanish, all through games and activities designed to show students that learning Latin is fun! Aequora is shaped by a belief that everyone should have access to Latin and by a vision of Classics as an inclusive, diverse, and socially engaged field. 

Questions? Please email Reina.Callier@colorado.edu. All Classics graduates and undergraduates are warmly invited to participate in this program as volunteers. Please email Reina if you are interested.


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Thu, 23 May 2019 13:50:09 +0000 Anonymous 1275 at /classics
Classics Outreach at Casey Middle School /classics/2019/02/19/classics-outreach-casey-middle-school Classics Outreach at Casey Middle School Anonymous (not verified) Tue, 02/19/2019 - 00:00 Categories: 2019 News and Events Tags: news outreach

The Boulder Classics Department now co-ordinates a Classics outreach program at Casey Middle School. Meeting once a week during an afterschool period, we harness the classical languages’ power to improve literacy while making the ancient Mediterranean world fun and accessible to students of all backgrounds. Students who take Latin routinely outperform their peers on the verbal section of the SAT and on other standardized tests. That’s far from the only reason , though. Our volunteers introduce students to the basics of the Latin language while exploring Roman culture and its connections to our own, using high energy activities that keep students engaged. We are motivated by a desire to share our love of Classics with students who otherwise have little opportunity to explore our field, and we hope thereby to show that the study of Classics is meant for - and can truly benefit - everyone.

Questions? Please email Reina.Callier@colorado.edu. All Classics graduates and undergraduates are warmly invited to participate in this program as volunteers. Please email Reina if you are interested.


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Tue, 19 Feb 2019 07:00:00 +0000 Anonymous 1225 at /classics
Latin Workshop - Spring 2019 /classics/2019/01/09/latin-workshop-spring-2019 Latin Workshop - Spring 2019 Anonymous (not verified) Wed, 01/09/2019 - 13:41 Categories: 2019 News and Events Tags: announcements callier events news outreach

Practice Latin through games, conversations, and easy stories.  Latin learners of all levels welcome.  Snacks will be served. Stay for a few minutes or the whole session!  Questions?  Email reina.callier@colorado.edu. Held in HUMN 350 from 12-12:50 on the following Wednesdays: Jan. 30th, Feb. 13th & 27th, March 13th, April 3rd & 17th, and May 1st.


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Wed, 09 Jan 2019 20:41:26 +0000 Anonymous 1197 at /classics
Classics Day 2018 at Boulder High School /classics/2018/09/22/classics-day-2018-boulder-high-school Classics Day 2018 at Boulder High School Anonymous (not verified) Sat, 09/22/2018 - 00:00 Categories: 2018 News and Events Tags: classics day events outreach

The Â鶹Ãâ·Ñ°æÏÂÔØ Department of Classics and Outreach Committee with the Classics Department at Boulder High, the Colorado Classics Association and the Colorado Junior Classical League Present:         

Classics Day at Boulder High
Saturday, 22nd September, 2018
Registration begins at 9:15 AM - Events end at 2:00 PM

Featuring hands-on, collaborative workshops on Roman women, Greek and Latin language, inscriptions, constellations, archaeology, and more!

Find more on the full schedule.

Contact Jackie.Elliott@colorado.edu for more information.



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Sat, 22 Sep 2018 06:00:00 +0000 Anonymous 1110 at /classics
Latin Workshops - Fall 2018 /classics/2018/09/18/latin-workshops-fall-2018 Latin Workshops - Fall 2018 Anonymous (not verified) Tue, 09/18/2018 - 00:00 Categories: 2018 News and Events Tags: announcements callier events news outreach
  • Practice Latin through games, conversations, and easy stories.
  • Latin learners of all levels welcome.
  • Stay for a few minutes or the whole session!
  • Snacks will be served.

Meet in Eaton Humanities 350 (HUMN 350)

Tuesdays from 11:30-1:00 on September 18th, Oct. 2, Oct. 16, Oct. 30, Nov. 13
Fridays from 4-5:30 on Sep. 28, October 12, Oct. 26, Nov. 9, Nov. 30

Email reina.callier@colorado.edu with questions.

See the Full Latin Workshop Poster.


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Tue, 18 Sep 2018 06:00:00 +0000 Anonymous 1123 at /classics
Colorado Classics Day 2017 /classics/2017/09/30/colorado-classics-day-2017 Colorado Classics Day 2017 Anonymous (not verified) Sat, 09/30/2017 - 00:00 Categories: 2017 News and Events Tags: classics day events outreach

The University of Colorado Department of Classics and the
CU-Boulder Outreach Committee with the
Colorado Classics Association and the Colorado Junior Classical League present:

Colorado Classics Day on Saturday, 30th September, 2017

See the full Colorado Classics Day 2017 Schedule!



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Sat, 30 Sep 2017 06:00:00 +0000 Anonymous 748 at /classics
Classicist tutors Julius Caesar actors on the potent rhetoric of Rome /classics/2017/06/25/classicist-tutors-julius-caesar-actors-potent-rhetoric-rome Classicist tutors Julius Caesar actors on the potent rhetoric of Rome Anonymous (not verified) Sun, 06/25/2017 - 00:00 Categories: 2017 News and Events Tags: lansford news outreach

Â鶹Ãâ·Ñ°æÏÂÔØClassics professor, Tyler Lansford, is transforming the death of Julius Caesar into new life for Roman rhetoric.

window.location.href = `http://www.colorado.edu/asmagazine/2017/06/25/classicist-tutors-julius-caesar-actors-potent-rhetoric-rome`;


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Sun, 25 Jun 2017 06:00:00 +0000 Anonymous 744 at /classics
Latin Summer Enrichment Program /classics/latin-summer Latin Summer Enrichment Program Anonymous (not verified) Sun, 06/18/2017 - 00:00 Categories: 2017 News and Events Tags: announcements events outreach


              Scholarship Application           

Latin Summer Enrichment Program

June 18 - 22, 8:30 am - 12:00 pm

Eaton Humanities Building, Â鶹Ãâ·Ñ°æÏÂÔØBoulder

Who: Students entering the 5th through 8th grade

Cost: $160.00 (scholarships available)

Questions? latinsummer@colorado.edu

The Latin Summer Enrichment Program is a week-long day camp that introduces elementary and middle school students to the language and culture of ancient Rome. Rising 5th through 8th graders will communicate in Latin and engage in exciting activities, from performing plays to competing in a mini-Olympics, on the campus of Â鶹Ãâ·Ñ°æÏÂÔØBoulder.

From June 18-22, 8:30 am - 12:00 pm campers will:

  • Converse and play games in Latin
  • Reenact stories from Roman history
  • Invent their own myths, assemble mosaics, and recreate items from the ancient world
  • Examine artifacts at the Â鶹Ãâ·Ñ°æÏÂÔØArt Museum
  • Throw the javelin, discus, and shot put in an outdoor mini-Olympics
  • Build catapults to launch marshmallows
  • Feast at a Roman banquet

Through the program campers will gain an appreciation for ancient cultures and learn to identify and decode Latin where they see it in their communities.

The camp will take place in the Eaton Humanities building and on the neighboring Sewell Field. Campers will also visit the Â鶹Ãâ·Ñ°æÏÂÔØArt Museum.

Originally proposed by an alumnus of the MA program, our camp is organized and run by graduate students of the Department of Classics who want to reach out to younger community members in Boulder and the surrounding areas. Our program works with elementary and middle schools in Colorado, whose students do not necessarily have a clear and direct path to college, to introduce them to some of the ways in which the university could enrich their lives. Another of our goals is to make the study of the ancient world more inviting and accessible to marginalized groups in Colorado. In addition to partnering with teachers in public schools with low-income students, our program offers several full scholarships to students in need.

This program is supported by the Â鶹Ãâ·Ñ°æÏÂÔØBoulder


  The Latin Summer Enrichment Program is a week-long day camp that introduces elementary and middle school students to the language and culture of ancient Rome. Rising 5th through 8th graders will communicate in Latin and engage in exciting activities, from performing plays to competing in a mini-Olympics, on the campus of Â鶹Ãâ·Ñ°æÏÂÔØBoulder. June 18-22, 8:30 am - 12:00 pm


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Sun, 18 Jun 2017 06:00:00 +0000 Anonymous 684 at /classics