Campus News Briefs – Fall 2016
CU's ATLAS Institute
Creative and curiousengineering
Blow Things Up Lab
Research labs: PlayfulComputing and InteractiveRobotics
Students in Technology,Arts and Media program
Percent of ATLAS studentsare women
Drone-flying cage
Years since Roser ATLAS Center opened
A Tree Grows In... The Office
No one will needto water this office plant: A team of 鶹Ѱstudents recentlydesigned and built a work space around a live linden treein Boulder’s Central Park.
The modular structure — made of wood and metaland open to the sky — measures 450 square feet and hasbenches, workstations and a deck. The temporary buildingis not attached to the tree and will be moved periodically.
The undertaking, part of the Tree X Office project,which aims to modify the human relationship to nature,gave third-year environmental design students soup-to-nutsdesign, permitting and construction experience.
More of the story is available at .

Heard Around Campus
Jupiter is the biggest, baddest planet."
—Planetary scientist Fran Bagenal of CUBoulder, anticipating the arrival of NASA’s Junospacecraft at Jupiter in July, a mission she andothers at 鶹Ѱaided.
How Do You Say...?
Name an ancient language,the chances are good that Samuel Boyd can read it:In all, the 鶹Ѱprofessor knows 23, counting dialects.
“If someone wants to travel with me to Finland, I’museless,” Boyd, a scholar of the Bible, told the online. “But if you ever wantme to translate ancient Phoenician, I can help.”
An assistant professor of religious studies, Boydalso has advanced reading knowledge of Hebrew,Aramaic, Greek and Babylonian, to mention a few, aswell as Classical Ethiopic, also called Ge’ez.
“I was obsessed with Indiana Jones as a kid, soonce I started to learn one ancient language,” he said,“I got hooked.”
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