BOLD Scholarships

BOLD(Broadening Opportunity through Leadership and Diversity) Scholarships are founded under the principles of high-impact practices and within the field of STEM education. In addition to financial awards, recipients can expect to engage in a community of staff and peer mentoring, academic and professional developmentand additional opportunities.

BOLD intentionally supports students who are under-represented nationwide in engineering colleges, including women, underrepresented minority, first-generation and low-income students. However, BOLD Scholarships are open to any engineering student who is invested in issues around diversity and inclusion and wants to be involved in the BOLD Center mission.We partner with other programsincluding 鶹ѰBoulder's First-Generation Scholars Program, 鶹ѰLEAD Alliance, and the .

All BOLD Scholarships are participation scholarships which require recipients to agree to and adhere to participation requirements in order to be awarded. Specific participation requirements are outlined under each scholarship opportunity.

Questions regarding BOLD Scholarship Requirements can be sent to

BOLD Pre-Arrival Program 2024

How do I apply?

All BOLD scholarships will be housed in the 鶹ѰGeneral Scholarship Application.

The BOLD Center offers a BOLD Center Scholarship. Students complete one College of Engineering Scholarship Application to be considered for a variety of scholarship opportunities within the college. Applications are considered starting March 15th and continue on a rolling basis until scholarship funds are exhausted.

For consideration for a BOLD scholarship, applicants must follow a two-step process:

1.Complete the 鶹ѰGeneral Scholarship Application

You will be prompted to complete the first. This application is used for multiple scholarships and requires information about extracurricular activities, community service, work and an essay.

You cannot submit the College of Engineering Scholarship Application until you have submitted the 鶹ѰGeneral Scholarship Application.

To Access the Application:

  • Prospective Students can access this application as soon as they have applied to 鶹Ѱthrough their page.
  • Current and Admitted students can reach this application through their .

2.Complete the College of EngineeringScholarship Application and indicate interest in BOLD scholarships.

After you submit the 鶹ѰGeneral Scholarship Application, additional recommended scholarship opportunities may display, including the College of Engineering Scholarship Application. On the application, please check the box to indicate “I am interestedin BOLD scholarship” and answer the supplemental essay question(s).

When do I apply?


  • November 1 - 鶹ѰBoulder General Scholarship Application and the College of Engineering Scholarship Application open
  • Mid-March of each year - BOLD Scholarship Application Priority Deadline
  • First week of September - College of Engineering Scholarship Application Closes

Students can continue to apply for College of Engineering Scholarships even after the 鶹Ѱgeneral Scholarship Application deadline has passed on March 15 or June 15, for incoming Transfer students), but we highly recommend students complete the 鶹Ѱgeneral Scholarship Application by these deadlines for maximum scholarship consideration.

You do not need to wait for your admission decision to apply. If you are applying to the College of Engineering and Applied Science, then please apply early!

The BOLD Center Scholarship Award is guaranteed at the amount of $4,000 per year for up to four years or 8 semesters as long as you maintain eligibility.Furthermore, students with financial need may be eligible for an additional award of up to $4,000 per year.

First-year Scholars have the following requirements:

  • Meet with scholarship advisor once per semester.
  • New Scholars attend the Pre-Arrival Program (early move-in for first-year students).
  • First-year students live on campus in the BOLD community of Engineering Connections in Williams Village North.
  • Meet with a Peer Mentor once a month.
    • Peer mentors help students by sharing their experiences on what it takes to be a successful 鶹ѰEngineering student, connecting students to campus resources and by being a caring member of the BOLD community interested in your success at 鶹ѰBoulder.
  • Engage in two BOLD Academic Services opportunities and two community engagement events per semester.

Requirements for all returning Scholars for all years:

  • Enroll in a minimum of 12 credits per semester as a student in the College of Engineering & Applied Science.
  • Meet with a BOLD Scholarship Advisor once per academic year.
  • Participate as an active member of a BOLD Center affinity-based student societyeach semester.
  • Participate in four BOLD Center community events, workshops or engagement opportunities each semester.
    • Events need to be BOLD-affiliated.
  • Attend a BOLD orientation once per year.
  • Maintain "Satisfactory Academic Progress" as specified by the Financial Aid Office.
    • If applicable: Meet with Academic Coach if 鶹ѰGPA falls below 2.5 and develop Academic Success Plan to utilize BOLD Academic Services and/or other support services.
    • If applicable: Enroll in and complete COEN 2880-1 Fresh Start for Success if placed on Academic Alert or Academic Warning.


The BOLD Engagement Scholarship is $1,000 per year/$500 per semester for up to 8 semesters as long as eligibility is maintained. The semesters of aid do not need to be consecutive


All BOLD Engagement Scholars

  • Active membership in a BOLD-sponsored student society OR participate in four BOLD events per semester
  • 1:1 advising with BOLD scholarship support coordinator (optional)
  • Maintain Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP)
  • Remain enrolled in CEAS undergraduate degree program
  • Rostered and active in a scholarship management system such as a Canvas course
  • Donor-specific requirements, if applicable
  • Participation in BOLD Scholarship Orientation (optional)
  • If you are a currentGoldShirt Scholar admitted in and prior to fall 2022, please find information about the programhere.