William C. Becker

Department:Civil, Environmental, and Architectural Engineering

Education: B.S., Clarkson University (1979), M.S., Clarkson University (1981), Ph.D., Johns Hopkins University (1995)
Teaching: Water Reuse, Environmental Engineering Design Capstone
Research: Physical Chemical Processes, Water Reuse

Office: SEEC S286G
Honors and Distinctions:
  • Deputy Editor - AWWA Water Science
  • Board Certified Environmental Engineer, American Academy of Environmental Engineers
  • USEPA Science Advisory Drinking Water Subcommittee (2021)
  • AWWA George Warren Fuller Award, 2018
  • Columbia University World Projects, 2018
  • U.S.-Israel Integrated Energy and Desalination Design Challenge National Laboratory Call 2017
  • Outstanding Publication Award, Association of Environmental Engineering and Science Professors: Edzwald, J.K., Becker, W.C., and Wattier, K.L., "Surrogate Parameters for Monitoring Organic Matter and THM Precursors," J. Amer. Water Works Assn. 77(4):122-132, 1985
  • ASCE Samual Arnold Greeley Award (1988)
  • Fellow by Courtesy, Johns Hopkins University (1995-1997)
  • Larson Aquatic Research Doctoral Scholarship (1993)
  • Zhao, R., Reckhow, D., Becker, W. and Schindler, S. “Seasonal Variation of Disinfection Byproduct Precursors in a Large Water Supply”, Journal AWWA, November 2018.

  • Becker, W. Book Review of “Water Stewardship and Business Value” in Water Economics and Policy, Vol. 4, No. 4 (2018).

  • Becker, W., Hohner, M, Rosario-Ortiz, F., and DeWolfe, J. “Preparing For Wildfires and Extreme Weather Events: Plant Design and Operation Recommendations”, JAWWA, July 2018.

  • Richards, C., Wang, F., Becker, W., and Edwards, M., “A 21st-Century Perspective on Calcium Carbonate Formation in Potable Water Systems”, Journal of ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE, Mary Ann Liebert, Inc., DOI: 10.1089/ees.2017.0115, March, 2017

  • Stanford, B.D., Becker, W.C., Debroux, J.F., Ishii, S.K.L., Khan, S.J., Khunjar, W.O. “Planning for Direct Potable Reuse: Operational Aspects of an Integrated Drinking Water System”. JAWWA, April 2016

  • Weiss, W.J., Schindler, S., Freud, S., Herzner, J., Hoek, K., Wright, W., Reckhow, D., and Becker, W. “Minimizing raw water NOM concentration through optimized source water selection”. JAWWA, October, 2013.

  • Weiss, W.J., Pyke, G., Becker, W., Sheer, D., Gelda, R., Rush, P., and Johnstone, T. “Integrated water quality-water supply modeling to support long-term planning”. JAWWA, April 2013

  • Valade, M., Becker, W., and Edzwald, J. “Treatment Selection Guidelines for Particle and NOM Removal”, Journal of Water Supply and Research – AQUA, Vol. 58.6, 2009.

  • Joshi, R., Becker, W., Bishop, M., Cotton, C., and Valade, M. “A Multi-Barrier Assessment Tool for UV Disinfection – Beyond the Regulations”, Journal of the New England Water Works Association, Volume 122, No.1, pg. 1-11, March 2008.

  • Becker, W.C., and O’Melia, C.R. “Ozone: Its Effect on Coagulation and Filtration”. Water Science and Technology: Water Supply 1:4, pp 81-88, 2001.

  • O'Melia C.R., Becker W.C., and Au K-K, “Removal of Humic Substances by Coagulation,” Water Science and Technology, Vol. 40, No. 9, pp 47-54, 1999.

  • Becker, W.C. and O’Melia, C.R., “Ozone, Oxalic Acid, and Organic Matter Molecular Weight -- Effects on Coagulation”. Ozone Science & Engineering, Vol. 18, pp 311-324, 1996.

  • LeChevallier, M.; Becker, W.; Schorr, P.; and Lee, R.; "Evaluating the Performance of Biologically Active Rapid Filters", Journal AWWA, April, 1992.

  • Lee, R.G., Becker, W.C., and Collins, D.W., "Lead at the Tap: Sources and Control", Journal AWWA, pp. 52-62, July 1989.

  • Edzwald, J.K.; Becker, W.C.; and Tambini, S.J.; "Organics, Polymers, and Performance in Direct Filtration", Journal of Environmental Engineering, February, 1987.

  • Edzwald, J.K.; Becker, W.C.; and Wattier, K.L.; "Surrogate Parameters for Monitoring Organic Matter and Trihalomethane Precursors in Water Treatment", Journal AWWA, Vol. 77 No. 4, April 1985, pp. 122-132.