NCFDD logo on application screen on desktop computerRequest for Proposals: NCFDD Faculty Success Grantsfor Pre-Tenured Faculty

The Office of Faculty Affairs invites applications for the Faculty Success Grants from pre-tenured faculty interested in participating in the National Center for Faculty Development and Diversity (NCFDD)'sFaculty Success Program. These grants fundenrollment in NCFDD's Faculty Success Program(aka “Boot Camp”).

Proposals for the 2024-25 NCFDD Faculty Success Grants are due September 6th, 2024.

What is theNCFDD Faculty Success Program?

The Faculty Success Program is a 10-week program that helpstenure-track and tenured faculty with the skills necessary to increase research and writing productivity while maintaining a healthy work-life balance—leading to lasting success!

Focusing on the dual goals of improving scholarly productivity and maintaining work/life balance, NCFDD's Faculty Success Program specifically aims to foster the careers of faculty who can contribute to the diversity and inclusion missions of their institutions. The Faculty Success Program promotes evidence-based and humanizing strategies for writing productively, provides access to a specialized platform for tracking activities, time, and goal attainment, offers individualized coaching on a weekly basis, and places participants in small peer working groups that feature online interaction and weekly conference calls.

鶹ѰBoulder's institutional membership with NCFDD includes for all faculty, academic professionals, and graduate students, which provides access to NCFDD’s extensive online resources including workshops, webinars, and seminars.Once you have activated your membership, you will be able to use the NCFDD’s website to learn about the goals, processes, and time commitments involved in participation in the Faculty Success Program.

What does the Faculty Success Grant fund?

Each successful grant applicant will receive funds sufficient to cover enrollment in the Faculty Success Program, using the priority membership early bird discount offered by the NCFDD. To participate in this program, successful applicants will first have to activate their individual membership.

Who is eligible to apply for the Faculty Success Grant?

All pre-tenured assistant/associate professorswho have not previously participated in the NCFDD Faculty Success Program.

Proposal Format

All applications must include the following:

  • A two-page curriculum vitae, highlighting publications, courses taught, and service commitments since appointment as a pre-tenured faculty member at CU;
  • A one-page (single-spaced) statement of how participation in the Faculty Success Grant program would advance the applicant’s career goals. The statement should provide the full name and campus email address of the applicant, and must address the 3 following points:
    • How participation in the writing workshop will help the applicant move successfully towards earning tenure;
    • Why participation in the mentoring networks that are an integral component of the FSP will be especially valuable to the applicant’s professional scholarly development;
    • How the applicant’s participation in this program will contribute to 鶹ѰBoulder’s goals related to diversity, equity, and inclusion.

Proposal Submission Deadline

Proposals and all supporting documentation should be submitted as a PDF file by email to no later than September 6th, 2024, by5:00pm MST.

Notice of Award

Award recipients will be notified by early October 2024.

Summary Report

A short, written report will be due within one month of completing the Faculty Success Program. This report should describe your specific participation in the program and identify how participation in the program had animpact on your scholarly productivity and your career development.


For questions about the Faculty Success Grants,please

Meet Our Alumni

Aamir Abdullah, Law

, law

Grace Leslie, Atlas

Sean Peters, Aerospace Engineering Sciences

Nicole Wright, English

Nicole Xu, Mechanical Engineering

Kyunghee Eo, Asian Languages and Civilizations

Isabel Koster, Classics

Cresten Mansfeldt, CEAE

Debanjan Mukherjee, MechanicalEngineering

, Law

, Law

Erin Hutchinson, History

Katharina Kann, Computer Science

Nicole Labbe,Mechanical Engineering

Maureen Lynch,Mechanical Engineering

Kayla Sprenger, Chemical and Biological Engineering

Maisam Alomar, Women and Gender Studies

Laurel Hind, Chemical and Biological Engineering

Nishant Upadhyay, Ethnic Studies

Deepti Misri, Women and Gender Studies

Christina Sue, Honors RAP/ Sociology

Jed Brubaker, Information Science

Rachel Baiduc, Speech Languages and Hearing Sciences

Betsey Biggs, Critical Media Practices

Virginia Ferguson, Mechanical Engineering

ܱ, Spanish and Portuguese

Samira Mehta, Women and Gender Studies, Program in Jewish Studies

Sanghamitra Neogi, Aerospace Engineering Sciences

Azita Ranjbar, Geography

Jeremy Reger, College of Music

Shawhin Roudbari, Enviornmenal Design

Kelly Sears, Cinema Studies and Moving Image Arts

Karen Bailey, Enviornmental Studies Program

Ricarose Roque, Information Science

Jane Garrity, English

Christine Larson, Journalism

Cristina Torres-Machi, Civil, Enviornmental & Arch Engineering

Julian Resasco, Ecology & Evolutionary Biology

Katherine Lininger, Geography

پԲ, Enviornmental Studies Program

Natasha Bosanac, Aerospace Engineering Sciences

Lucy Chester, History

Natalie Mendoza, History

Eileen Lagman, PWR

Alysia Marino, Physics

Christina Meyers-Denman, SLHS

Celeste Montoya, WomenStudies

Silvia Nogueron-Liu,School of Education

Terri Wilson, School of Education

Masano Yamashita, FRIT