Fall 2024 Courses

As always, the course schedule is subject to changes. The table of courses below shows the Fall 2024 Global Studies RAP courses organized by General Education Requirement (Arts & Humanities, Natural Science, Skills, Social Science) and department pre-fix (i.e., alphabetically: HIST, PHIL, SCAN...). The GRAP Class survey is not yet available. Please contact Stephanie B and Carmen J by emailing us at GRAP@colorado.edu with any questions, issues, swap requests, etc.

General Education
CourseCourse TitleInstructorMeeting Pattern
Arts & HumanitiesPHIL 1000Introduction to Philosophy - FULLLee, EricTTh 11am-12:15pm
Arts & HumanitiesPHIL 1200Contemporary Social ProblemsZerella, MichaelMWF 12:20pm-1:10pm
Natural ScienceATOC 1050Weather and the AtmosphereHager, CarlMWF 10:10am-11am
Skills - WritingWRTG 1150First-Year Writing and Rhetoric - FULLWilson, AndrewMWF 9:05am-9:55am
Social ScienceANTH 1155Exploring Global Cultural Diversity - FULLConzelman, CarolineTTh 12:30pm-1:45pm
Social SciencePSCI 2012Introduction to Comparative PoliticsDerderyan, SvetoslavMWF 11:15am-12:05pm