Marching band audition info
Thank you for your interest in the Golden Buffalo Marching Band!
Please contact Interim Director of Bands Matthew Dockendorf at for more details on joining the GBMB.
- Drumline members: Contact Jake Euler,, about audition materials and dates.
- Colorguard members:Contact Kirsten Huffman,
We will send more information by mid-Julyvia email. Make sure to have band camp dates—Aug. 15-20, 2025—on your calendar. Move-in for new members is on Friday, Aug. 15.
There are separate auditions for the drumline and feature twirlers. Colorguard requirements are described below.
The 鶹ѰBoulder colorguard performs with the GBMB at all home football games. Additionally, the guard performs at all spirit and pep events to support the football team including several away trips, bowl games andat Pearl Street Stampedes.The colorguard rehearses with the marching band during the fall on Monday, Wednesday and Friday afternoons from 4:40-6:40 p.m., in addition to an hour-and-a-half sectional rehearsal each week. Saturdays are usually reserved for game day rehearsals and performances. Colorguardmembers major in all different areas of study, including engineering, and are still able to participate in winterguard activities as well as different campus clubs andgroups.
We spin many types of flags, but specialize in 6’flags and swing flags. The guard also incorporates all types of dance inour shows, pulling inspiration from ballet, modern, jazzand lyrical styles.
Performing in Folsom Stadium is just one of the many perks of being in the guard! In addition to performances, members enjoy free trips, food, fun events and Nike warm-ups among other benefits. The members of the guard also become a very close-knit group of friends who often study together and go out onweekends!
2024colorguard camps
Dates TBD
Location: Farrand Field, Imig Music Building, 鶹ѰBoulder campus
Audition info
There will be no formal auditions for the 2024season. However, each person interested in participating will be required to submit a video recording including your name, 鶹ѰBoulder degree program and school, prior experience level and motivation for wanting to be a colorguard member. This videomust be submitted by July 1to set the 2024colorguard roster. For specific details on what should be included on your video, please visit the .
Twirlers who are interested in auditioning for a GBMB feature twirler position should submit the following items via email byMarch 1, 2024.
- Band application
- Résumé of twirling/school career
- Two personal references including full name, phone number and your relationship (a twirling coach for one is preferred)
- Recent digital photo in your costume
- Competitive solo level attained (beginner, intermediate, advanced)
- Video showing a variety of examples of twirling performances in the last 12 months. Samples can be from high school twirling, competitions, performances or twirling at home. Team or individual performances are acceptable. Please submit video to YouTube and share a private link in your email submission.
Submit the above to:
GBMBDirector Branden Steinmetz,branden.steinmetz@colorado.eduand
Kaitlyn Turnbull,
Feature twirler auditions
After receiving your initial application, you will be notified if you are invited to audition for a feature twirler position. Twirler auditions will be held onMarch 30, 2024on the 鶹ѰBoulder campus. You must be accepted to the university in order to audition.
For the audition, twirlers should be prepared for the following:
- 2- to 3-minute routine choreographed to the music of your choice showcasing your 1, 2 and 3 baton skills
- 30-second fight song routine (鶹ѰBoulder fight song will be provided to all applicants)
- Interview with judging panel
You will be judged on difficulty, technique, execution, “crowd appeal,”effective interpretation of musical selection, varietyand showmanship. Your fight song routine should showcase your performance skills more than your twirling difficulty. Make it showy and entertaining for a football stadium!
Candidates should include as many of the twirler preferred skills in their routine as possible. Candidates should wear a twirling costume with performance hair and makeup done.
Note:It may be possible to do a video audition if you are unable to travel to Colorado for the audition date.
Preferred skills
- 2 and 3 spins (vertical and horizontal)
- Toss illusion
- Toss walkover or cartwheel
- Rolls
- 2 baton combos
- 3 baton combos
- Grand jeté
- Advanced understanding of bodywork and dance
Feature twirler expectations
Feature twirlers are expected to choreograph two individual routines and one group routine with the other feature twirler(s) for each marching band show. It is expected that twirlers purchase a costume and shoes on their own, and provide their own batons and additional clothing apparel (shorts, shirts, sweats, etc.).
There will be 1-3 feature twirlers selected for fall 2024.
For more information about the audition process, contact GBMB Director Branden Steinmetz.If you havequestions about the preferred twirling skills or routine choreography, contact coach Kaitlyn Turnbull,
Saturday, April 26
Noon-2 p.m.—Pre-audition clinic
3-6 p.m.—Snare auditions
7-10 p.m.—Tenor auditions
Sunday, April 27
10 a.m.-Noon—Bass auditions
1-2 p.m.—Cymbal auditions
2-3 p.m.—Full drumline
Anyone unable to attend in person must send a video audition of all materials by 11:59 p.m.on Friday, April 25.
All material included in the audition materials folder should be prepared and ready to perform. Memorization is not required,but is highlyencouraged.
2025 summer camps—TBD
Everyone selected for the 2025鶹ѰBoulder drumline is expected to attend the summer drum camp on TBD, 2025, 10 a.m.-5 p.m. both days.
Attendance at the fall drum camp is also mandatory for those selected for the 2025 drumline which will be held the following times
- Aug. 13, 7-10 p.m. (rehearsal)
- Aug. 14, 10 a.m.-9p.m. (rehearsal)
- Aug. 15, 3-5p.m. (rehearsal); 5:30 p.m. (performance for GBMB meet + greet)
Band camp (required): Aug. 15-20, 2025
Sectionals: Drumline members are expected to attend regular weekly sectionals held on Mondays, 7:30-9:30 p.m., in addition to the regular marching band rehearsals.
All interested students should completethis formtoindicate interest.By submitting the form, you are making a full commitment to be a part of all drumline activities this summer, including auditions, and through the fall 2025season.
Aninstrument/equipment fee of $40 is required by all who commit and audition for the 2025鶹ѰBoulder Drumline. This fee covers usage, maintenanceand any necessary materials needed to play.
Questions? Contact Head Drumline InstructorJake Euler.