"Coming from a very small department, the Colorado seminar provided me with the opportunity to be surrounded by other students with dreams similar to mine, and I was able to grow philosophically in ways I never had before. Many of the people in my cohort still keep in touch, and provide a network of advice and support for those applying to grad school. I also can’t think of many better places to do philosophy than nestled in the Rocky Mountains. If you haven’t debated Kantian philosophy after a several mile hike on one of Boulder’s magnificent trails, have you really philosophized at all?â€

Parker Rose (2019 seminar)
Undergraduate at University of Alabama at Birmingham

"The Summer Seminar in Philosophy gave me an immersive, representational experience of the world and vocation of academic philosophy unlike anything I could have gained through an undergraduate education alone. The friendships and understanding I walked away with were (and continue to be) invaluable.â€

Blake Harris (2019 seminar)
Undergraduate at the University of Denver

"Having just had completed coursework for my final year as an undergrad, Boulder proved to be the perfect setting to remind me of the beauty and joy of doing philosophy. The format of the seminar provided a unique opportunity to be reminded of the breadth of philosophical topics and an impressive variety of approaches to teaching as each seminar session was led by a different instructor. The faculty was extremely helpful and approachable and shed some much needed light on admissions procedures to graduate programmes. Most importantly though, the intellectual stimulation from discussions and exchanges with fellow seminar participants was a completely novel and exciting experience, illustrating that philosophy is most fruitful as a social exercise. Frequent trips to the stunning mountain landscape and hospitable town of Boulder provided the best conditions one could wish for what was a truly unforgettable experience. I am deeply grateful for the chance to participate."

Alexander M. Hutterer (2018 seminar)
Undergraduate at King’s College London

"The Summer Seminar in Philosophy at Boulder, Colorado was one of the most rewarding experiences of my life. It’s rare that one gets a bunch of very smart and enthusiastic aspiring philosophers from all over the world in one location. The outcome was something that would give Plato’s Academy (or the Lyceum) a run for its money! In between classroom sessions, I enjoyed doing philosophy el fresco with the Rocky Mountains in the background; or on the move while hiking up the Flatirons. You would think that we’d have solved all philosophical puzzles at the end of it all! Yet I’m grateful for the exposure to the breadth and depth of what philosophy has to offer: to see how fields of philosophy like ethics and metaphysics (for example), which previously I had thought were miles apart, connect through Thought Experiments to illuminate solutions to some of the most perplexing questions of our age. Perhaps what’s truly special is the peer-to-peer learning that went on with folks who may one day be colleagues in the profession; and the realization out of this that there is still a lot more to learn, after all."

David Mwakima (2017 seminar)
Undergraduate at Harvard University

“The Â鶹Ãâ·Ñ°æÏÂÔØ Summer Seminar in Philosophy benefits philosophy undergraduates who are looking into applying to graduate school in several capacities. For one, the structure of the seminar daily schedule is set up in such a way that mimics what a typical day of classes for a graduate student might look like, including discussions and also guest presentations on specific days. Moreover, graduate students and faculty from Â鶹Ãâ·Ñ°æÏÂÔØBoulder are highly involved in the seminar by offering readings, discussions, and guidance in their wide range of areas of expertise. The faculty are able to share their experience of what they commonly look for in graduate applicants and graduate students are able to share what the process was like for them (i.e. how they chose schools, narrowed their list, chose an essay to submit, etc.)â€

Ghoncheh Azadeh (2016 seminar)
Undergraduate at the University of Oregon

"The Colorado Summer Seminar in Philosophy was the first time that I have been surrounded by people my age who get just as excited about philosophy as I do. We talked philosophy endlessly – in back-and-forth seminar discussions, in the Q&As after daily talks, in evenings back at the dorm. I felt more like a ‘young philosopher’ than I ever have; academia felt less like a ‘solo journey’ than it ever has. I learned that philosophy is a community endeavor. We voiced objections to each other’s arguments, pressed for clarifications, and offered supporting considerations. We listened to each other, asked each other questions, and took each other seriously. And in the moments we failed to do so, we had difficult, important conversations about how to do philosophy in a way that enriches, challenges, andÌýincludes all involved. All said, the Summer Seminar was an incredible philosophical experience. I highly recommend it!"

Sumeet Patwardhan (2016 seminar)
Undergraduate at UNC Chapel Hill

"The Colorado Summer Seminar in Philosophy represents a singular opportunity for undergraduates to engage with peers and professors of diverse backgrounds in a graduate-level setting. Intensive, well-organized, rigorous, and fun, the Seminar better prepared me for graduate study in philosophy and introduced me to ideas and friends I'll remember forever. I especially appreciated the commitment to diversity on the part of the Seminar organizers, as my cohort and instructors came in large part from traditionally underrepresented groups and fostered dialogue which increased my awareness of and sensitivity to issues of diversity within the profession. Like all great experiences, it left me exhausted and humbled, but also with deep friendships and a deeper understanding—of philosophy, its challenges, and its opportunities."

Adam Donahoo (2016 seminar)
Undergraduate at Utah Valley University

"The seminar offers a wonderful opportunity to both do philosophy and gain invaluable advice on applying to graduate school. Over three short weeks, we covered a wide range of areas of philosophy, including metaphysics, ethics, history of philosophy, and the philosophies of science and language. There are ample opportunities to discuss the material with professors, peers, and, on some occasions, the very author of the work. In addition, the information sessions on applying to PhD programs in philosophy proved extremely useful. If this weren’t enough, Boulder is a gorgeous city with a lot to offer in terms of nature, culture, food, and drink. Yet the best part of the seminar may be that you get to make 19 new friends with whom to discuss philosophy on a regular basis. Many of us still keep in touch regularly, discuss philosophy and grad school, and exchange papers. I would highly recommend the seminar to anyone who hopes to pursue philosophy at the graduate level."

Elise Woodard (2015 seminar)
Undergraduate at Reed College

"The Summer Seminar in Philosophy provided an invaluable opportunity to grow as a philosophy student. I learned a lot from the outstanding group of professors--foremost, about the issues and arguments we studied with them, but also the diverse paths that led to them becoming professional philosophers. Moreover, I greatly enjoyed finding myself in a community of peers who were united by a commitment to doing philosophy but had heterogeneous experiences, interests, and, of course, opinions to share. Attending the seminar helped me to gain a sense of what graduate school is like and left me wanting to pursue further studies in philosophy all the more."

Caroline Bowman (2015 seminar)
Undergraduate at Claremont McKenna College

"If I had to give undergraduates who are thinking about graduate school in philosophy just one piece of advice it would be to go to this seminar. Over the course of the three weeks of the seminar, I went from feeling isolated and cut-off from the rest of the world of professional philosophy, to feeling like I was a part of it. Something about the combination of being around like-minded peers (who have now become some of my best friends) and being taught by very serious scholars who really noticed me made me produce better philosophy than I ever had before. The work I did at Boulder turned into to conference presentations that turned into my writing sample that turned into my research focus in grad school. Boulder both made me more sure than ever that going into professional philosophy was my dream, and gave me the tools to realize that dream."

Amanda Gorman (2011 Seminar)
BA, University of Mary Washington
Ph.D. student in Philosophy, USC

"For me, the Summer Seminar was much like a language immersion program for philosophy: I was forced (in a good way) to quickly develop certain skills necessary for philosophical flourishing. For instance, spending the majority of my waking hours in the presence of other philosophers enhanced my abilities as a generalist. I had to learn to be prepared to offer cursory though intelligible evaluations of many positions with which I was unfamiliar. All this closely approximates and is good preparation for life as a philosophy graduate student. I highly recommend the Seminar to anyone considering masters or PhD programs in philosophy."

Jon Morgan (2011 Seminar)
BA, Muhlenberg College
Ph.D. student in Philosophy, Texas/Austin

"It is no understatement to say that this seminar changed my life. I came into the program unsure whether I wanted to continue with philosophy after I graduated from college, and I left knowing my heart was set on staying in the field for the rest of my life. The classes and papers were as rewarding as they were challenging -- very! -- but the heart of the seminar lay elsewhere. I found incredible and lasting friends, and my closest confidantes in philosophical matters, living alongside me in the dorm rooms and hiking with me through the spectacular scenery of the Rocky Mountains. They have helped me through my applications to graduate school and celebrated with me as we all headed off to top Ph.D. programs across the country, and we still fondly recall our times together in Boulder. The program taught us more philosophy than any of us were expecting, but more than that it gave us a glimpse of the life of the modern philosopher, and we liked what we saw very, very much. I cannot recommend the Â鶹Ãâ·Ñ°æÏÂÔØSummer Seminar highly enough."

Julia Bursten (2007 Seminar)
BA, Rice University
Ph.D. student in History and Philosophy of Science, University of Pittsburgh

"Boulder provided three wonderful weeks of pure, unadulterated philosophy. Being part of a circle of outstanding philosophy students, whose sole purpose was learning philosophy, gave me the opportunity to develop my philosophical skills as never before. Many of the best conversations and debates I have ever had occurred during my time there. The people I met there became some of my closest friends, and we continue to read each others' work. Simply put, Boulder changed my conception of what it takes to be a good philosopher. Thanks to this seminar, I feel like I'm on my way to becoming one."

Matthew Glass (2007 Seminar)
BA, Hamline University
Ph.D. student in Philosophy, UC Irvine

"When I look back on the last few years and try to explain my growth, the narrative takes the form of BB and AB: 'Before Boulder' and 'After Boulder.' In three weeks I learned more philosophy than I did in entire semesters at my undergraduate institution, I made long lasting friends and philosophical colleagues, and I also came to an important conclusion in the fresh air of those Rockies: graduate school was the track for me.Ìý Many of us who attended that summer of 07 were accepted to top PhD programs in the year following, and "The Boulder Circle" (as we call ourselves) has become a continual community for discourse, exchange of papers, encouragement, research, and fun philosophically packed reunions. The CSS was absolutely one of the most transformative experiences of my life, and I will always be grateful for the new horizons it opened and the lasting friendships it provided."

Amber North (2007 Seminar)
BA, Northwestern University
Gates Scholar, Ph.D. student in Philosophy, University of Cambridge