Faculty & Staff Announcements
- When submitting drop and swap requests for the current semester, please note the following.
- Today we were alerted to a system error that prevented approximately 4,000 students from receiving our automated enrolled from waitlist notification for Spring 2021.
- As of Tuesday, Feb. 2, department admins must request a course change (including a drop forward or drop back) by submitting an online special action form to the Office of the Registrar. If the department tries to make the change, the student will be assigned W grades.
- As of around 1:30 p.m. on Friday, Jan. 22, 2021, all waitlist data has been restored.
- Come to our Feb. 5 training to learn more about FERPA and get the answers to your questions. (CU-SIS access is not required.)
- Since reaching out to you yesterday, our office has updated our website announcement with additional details about the waitlist error, why all full-semester Main Campus waitlists have been disabled, how we're rebuilding the purged waitlists, and what additional actions we're taking to reduce the impacts to students.
- We are currently looking for ways to restore this information, if possible, and will communicate with affected students when we have more information.
- We've been coordinating with campus partners to ensure this information is communicated effectively to both students and faculty. We also appreciate your help providing clarification to any of your students who may have questions about this date.
- While our front desk and in-person services are suspended, please make use of our electronic methods for submitting enrollment and record changes.
- The target department/unit review deadline for the 2021–22 catalog is next Friday, Dec. 18, so here's a quick reminder about support resources available to help you edit and approve your catalog pages.