Departments Supported

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Department NameFSC Technician
A&S Academic Advising & Coaching (A&S AAC)Jon Studtmann (Email, 303-735-3043)
Anderson Language Technology Center (ALTEC)Jon Studtmann (Email, 303-735-3043)
Anthropology (ANTH)Hannah Silver (Email, 303-492-1067)
Art and Art History (AAH)Tracey Seward (Email, 303-735-2931)
Arts & Sciences Admin & Dean's OfficeAmanda Lacey (Email, 303-735-3042)
Arts & Sciences CommunicationsAmanda Lacey (Email, 303-735-3042)
Arts & Sciences DEIAmanda Lacey (Email, 303-735-3042)
Arts & Sciences HRAmanda Lacey (Email, 303-735-3042)
Arts & Sciences Student SuccessAmanda Lacey (Email, 303-735-3042)
Asian Languages & Civilizations (ALC)Robin Bowersock (Email, 303-492-1163)
Astrophysical and Planetary Sciences (APS)

James Cobb (Email, 303-492-2350)

Benson Ctr for Western Civilization (CWCV)Hannah Silver (Email, 303-492-1067)
BioChem (CHEMBIO)Theresa Cominsky (Email, 303-492-1452)
Brakhage Center (BKHC)Theresa Cominsky (Email, 303-492-1452)
Buffalo Bicycle ClassicAmanda Lacey (Email, 303-735-3042)
CARTSSAmanda Lacey (Email, 303-735-3042)
Center for British & Irish Studies (CBIS)Niculina Craciun (Email, 303-735-1643)
Center of the American West (COAW)Robin Bowersock (Email, 303-492-1163)
Chemistry (CHEM)Theresa Cominsky (Email, 303-492-1452)
Cinema Studies/Moving Image Arts (CINE)Theresa Cominsky (Email, 303-492-1452)
Classics (CLAS)James Cobb (Email, 303-492-2350)
Colorado Shakespere Festival (CSF)Kelly Eads (Email, 303-492-1664)
Creative Writing -- ENGL (CWRT)Niculina Craciun (Email, 303-735-1643)
Â鶹Ãâ·Ñ°æÏÂÔØArt Museum (CUAM)Heather Aguilar Chanchan (Email, 303-735-6419)
Ecology/Evolutionary Biology (EBIO)Theresa Cominsky (Email, 303-492-1452)
Economics (ECON)Jon Studtmann (Email, 303-735-3043)
English (ENGL)Niculina Craciun (Email, 303-735-1643)
Environment & Natural Sciences RAP (ENS RAP)Niculina Craciun (Email, 303-735-1643)

Environmental Studies (ENVS)

Kylie Cook (Email, 303-735-3552)

Ethnic Studies (ETHN)Robin Bowersock (Email, 303-492-1163)
Fiske Planetarium (FISKE)James Cobb (Email, 303-492-2350)
French & Italian (FRIT)Robin Bowersock (Email, 303-492-1163)
Gay & Lesbian Studies (GLBT)Tracey Seward (Email, 303-735-2931)
Geography (GEOG)Heather Aguilar Chanchan (Email, 303-735-6419)
Germanic & Slavic Languages & Literature (GSLL)Niculina Craciun (Email, 303-735-1643)
Global RAP (RAPG)Tracey Seward (Email, 303-735-2931)
Health Professional RAP (RAPHP)Niculina Craciun (Email, 303-735-1643)
History (HIST)Hannah Silver (Email, 303-492-1067)
Honors Program (HNRS)Amanda Lacey (Email, 303-735-3042)
Honors RAP (HRAP)Heather Aguilar Chanchan (Email, 303-735-6419)
Humanities (HUMN)Jon Studtmann (Email, 303-735-3043)
Integrative Physiology (IPHY)Kylie Cook (Email, 303-735-3552)
International Affairs (IAFS)Niculina Craciun (Email, 303-735-1643)

Latin American & Latinx Studies Center (LALSC)

Amanda Lacey (Email, 303-735-3042)

Libby RAP (RAPL)Robin Bowersock (Email, 303-492-1163)
Linguistics (LING)Kelly Eads (Email, 303-492-1664)
Mathematics (MATH)Tracey Seward (Email, 303-735-2931)
Medieval Studies (CMEMS)Tracey Seward (Email, 303-735-2931)

Miramontes Arts and Sciences Program (MASP)

Heather Aguilar Chanchan (Email, 303-735-6419)

Peace & Conflict, and Security Program (PACS)

Amanda Lacey (Email, 303-735-3042)
Philosophy (PHIL)Hannah Silver (Email, 303-492-1067)
Philosophy, Arts & Culture RAP (PAC RAP)Robin Bowersock (Email, 303-492-1163)
Political Science (PSCI)James Cobb (Email, 303-492-2350)
Program in Jewish Studies (PJS)Jon Studtmann (Email, 303-735-3043)
Program for Writing & Rhetoric (PWR)Hannah Silver (Email, 303-492-1067)
Psychology and Neuroscience (PSYC)Lisa Livdahl (Email, 303-492-5358)
Religious Studies (RLST)Jon Studtmann (Email, 303-735-3043)
Sociology (SOCY)Heather Aguilar Chanchan (Email, 303-735-6419)
Sommers-Bausch Observatory (SBO)James Cobb (Email, 303-492-2350)
Spanish & Portuguese (SPAN)Jon Studtmann (Email, 303-735-3043)
Speech, Language, Hearing (SLHS)Theresa CominskyÌý(Email, 303-492-1452)
Stories & Societies RAP (RAPS)Kelly Eads (Email, 303-492-1664)
Theatre & Dance (THDN)

Kelly Eads (Email, 303-492-1664)

Women and Gender Studies (WGST)Tracey Seward (Email, 303-735-2931)



