Fall 2025

ATOC 1050 Weather and the Atmosphere

section -001 T/Th 930am-1045am DUAN G1B30 with Carl Hager
section -002 M/W 335pm-450pm MATH 100 with Liz Cassano

ATOC 1060 Our Changing Environment

section -001 (lecture only) T/Th 1230pm-145pm DUAN G1B20 with Xinyue Wang
section -010 (lecture w/ recitations) M/W 935am-1025am SEEC N136 with Alex Jahn
recitation -011 Wednesdays 510pm-600pm in SEEC S125
recitation -012 Wednesdays 615pm-705pm in SEEC S125
recitation -013 Thursdays 400pm-450pm in SEEC N129
recitation -014 Thursdays 530pm-620pm in SEEC N129

ATOC 1070 Weather and the Atmosphere LAB

section -001 Mondays 900am-1050am SEEC S128 
section -002 Mondays 520pm-710pm SEEC S128
section -003 Tuesdays 920am-1110am SEEC S128
section -004 Tuesdays 1120am-110pm SEEC S128 
section -005 Tuesdays 120pm-310pm SEEC S128 
section -006 Tuesdays 320pm-510pm SEEC S128 
section -007 Tuesdays 520pm-710pm SEEC S128
section -008 Wednesdays 900am-1050am SEEC S128 
section -009 Wednesdays 520pm-710pm SEEC S128
section -010 Thursdays 920am-1110am SEEC S128 
section -011 Thursdays 1120am-110pm SEEC S128 
section -012 Thursdays 120pm-310pm SEEC S128 

ATOC 2500 Weather for Adventure Sports

section -801 T/Th 1000am-1115am SEEC S126 with Derek Brown

ATOC/GEOL 3070 Intro to Oceanography

section -001 T/Th 400pm-515pm SEEC N136 with Sara Sanchez

ATOC 3180 Aviation Meteorology

section -001 T/Th 830am-945am with Scott Landolt

ATOC 3600 Priniciples of Climate

section -001 T/Th 1130am-1245pm SEEC N136 with Weiqing Han

ATOC 4500/5500 Coastal Oceanography

section -001 T/Th 1130am-1245pm SEEC S126 with Julia Moriarty

ATOC 4710 Intro to Atmospheric Physics

section -801 T/Th 100pm-215pm SEEC S126 with Katja Friedrich

ATOC 4730/5730 Physical Oceanography and Climate

section -001 T/Th 230pm345pm SEEC N124 with Kris Karnuaskas

ATOC 4870/5870 Climate Modeling Lab

section -001 T/Th 1000am-1115am SEEC N126 with Aneesh Subramanian

ATOC 4890/5890 Synoptic Dynamic Meteorology Lab

section -001 M/W 130pm-245pm SEEC S126 with Mark Seefeldt

ATOC 5050 Atmospheric Thermodynamics and Dynamics

section -801 M/W 300pm-415pm SEEC S126 with Andrew Winters

ATOC 5051 Intro to Physical Oceanography

section -801 M/W 1115am-1230pm SEEC S126 with Donata Giglio

ATOC/CHEM 5151 Atmospheric Chemistry

section -801 M/W 915am-1045am S126 with Ben Li