- Fellow

Stephen Gethin studied veterinary medicine at Cambridge University, where he was also awarded a choral exhibition. After a number of years in professional practice, he spent much of the 1980s undertaking two three-year retreats in France, where he now lives and, as a founding member of the Padmakara Translation Group, continues to translate. He became a Tsadra Foundation Translation Fellow in 2005. His published translations include Nagarjuna’s Letter to a Friend, Zurchungpa’s Testament, Dudjom Rinpoche’s A Torch Lighting the Way to Freedom, and Jamgön Mipham’s commentaries on Padmasambhava’s Garland of Views and the Mahāyāna-sūtrālaṃkāra. He is currently working on a detailed preliminary practice commentary by Shechen Gyaltsap and on a volume of Jamgön Kongtrul’s Treasury of Precious Instructions.
- Amelia Hall
- Andrew Quintman
- Annabella Pitkin
- Anne Klein
- Ben Nourse
- Dominique Townsend
- Gedun Rabsal
- Heidi Nevin
- Holly Gayley
- James Gentry
- Janet Gyatso
- Jann Ronis
- John Canti
- Jue Liang
- Jules Levinson
- Julie Regan
- Kurtis Schaeffer
- Lama Jabb
- Lara Braitstein
- Nancy Lin
- Natasha Mikles
- Nicole Willock
- Padma 'tsho
- Riga Shakya
- Sarah Harding
- Sarah Jacoby
- Stephen Gethin