
  • byMarek S. Wartak

  • byAndrei V. Lavrinenko, Jesper Lægsgaard, Niels Gregersen, Frank Schmidt, Thomas Søndergaard.

Both are availabe online through the 鶹Ѱlibrary. I have tried to give direct links above, but if those fail, just look them up using the library search tool.


  • Original paper by Nelder and Mead on simplex method:J.A.Nelderand R. Mead, “,” Computer Journal, Volume 7, Issue 4, 1965, pp. 308-313.
  • Concise statement of algorithm plus convergence proof in 1 and 2 dimensions:J. C.Lagarias, J. A. Reeds, M. H. Wright, P. E. Wright, “,” SIAM J.Optim., Vol. 9, No. 1, 1998,pp. 112-147
  • Original paper on simulated annealing for finding equilibrium of atoms:
  • Summary by the authors that applied it to optimization:K. S. Yee, ",''IEEE Trans. on Antennas andPropagat., vol. 14, pp. 302-307, May 1966.

FDTD Method

Boundary conditions for the FDTD method

  • K. S. Yee, ",''IEEE Trans. on Antennas andPropagat., vol. 14, pp. 302-307, May 1966.
  • G. Mur, "," IEEE Trans. on Electromagnetic Compatibility, Vol. EMC-23, November 1981, pp. 377-382
  • B.Engquistand A.Majda, "",Math.Comput.,vol. 31, pp. 629-651, 1977.

Dispersive materials in FDTD method

  • R. J.Luebbers, F.Hunsberger, K. S. Kunz, R. B.Standler, and M. Schneider.,“”, IEEE Trans. on EMCompat, V 32, N 3, Aug 1990

Anisotropic materials in the FDTD method

Nonlinear materials in the FDTD method

  • G. W.Zhengand K. S. Chen,“,“ Int. J. InfraredMillim. Waves, vol. 13, no. 8, pp. 1127-1137, 1992
  • P. M.Goorjianand A.Taflove, “,” OpticsLett.,B 17, pp. 180-182, Feb. 1992.

Gaussian Beam Superposition Method

  • A. W.Greynolds, “,” SPIEVol560, Diffraction Phenomenon in Optical Engineering Applications, 1985.

FFT Beam Propagation Method

  • N.Delen, B. Hooker, “,” JOSA A, Volume 15, Issue 4, 857-867, April 1998
  • R. R. McLeod,
  • Robert R. McLeod and Kelvin H. Wagner, "," Adv. Opt. Photon. 6, 368-412 (2014)

Finite Difference Beam Propagation Method (FD BPM)

Coupled Mode Equations applied to Bragg holography

Mode Propagation Method


  • Good summary:D. F.G. Gallagher, T.P.Felici, “,”Photonics West, SanJose, 2003.Paper 4987-10
  • All of the details:
