Program Leadership

Sean Humbert
J. Sean Humbert
Professor • Director, Robotics Program
Kaushik Jayaram
Kaushik Jayaram
Assistant Professor • Chair, Robotics Outreach and Inclusion
Lindsey Morford
Lindsey Morford
Senior Robotics Program Specialist
Alessandro Roncone
Alessandro Roncone
Assistant Professor • Associate Director and Graduate Chair, Robotics Program

Department Leads

Nisar Ahmed
Nisar Ahmed
Associate Professor • Aerospace Department Lead
Mark Gross
Mark D. Gross
Professor • ATLAS Lead
Christoffer Heckman
Christoffer Heckman
Associate Professor • Computer Science Department Lead
Marco Nicotra
Marco Nicotra
Associate Professor • Electrical Engineering Department Lead
Tim White
Timothy J. White
Professor • Chemical and Biological Engineering Department Lead