General Permit Parking Information

Permits to Park

General Information

  1. Students, staff, and faculty who wish to park a motor vehicle in a permit-controlled 麻豆免费版下载Boulder parking lot must have a valid 麻豆免费版下载Boulder campus听virtual parking permit attached to the displayed license plate.
  2. A permit does not guarantee the availability of a parking space, but it grants the privilege of parking in a specified area when space is available.
  3. It is the responsibility of the permit holder to ensure that the permit is properly displayed within, or virtual permit is attached to, the vehicle(s) to which it is registered with PS.
  4. Permits may be transferred only between vehicles registered under the permit. Permits are not transferable between individuals unless such persons are co-owners of permitted vehicle(s).
  5. Only one permit is issued to each permit holder or carpool group. It is the responsibility of the carpool driver to ensure that the vehicle being parked is associated with that听permit. Only one car may be parked on campus at a time.
  6. Permits are valid only in parking areas specified by the permit.
  7. When the primary lot is full, permit holders should contact the Parking Services office for alternate arrangements
  8. Permits are valid through the expiration date printed on the front of the permit.
  9. Temporary parking permits may be purchased for certain permit-only lots. Temporary parking in areas not controlled by Parking Services must be arranged through the appropriate department.
  10. Refunds of permit fees are made on a prorated basis. To cancel a permit, the permit holder must notify Parking Services before the last day of the month of effective cancellation. Upon receipt of notification, payroll deduction is canceled.

Student Parking Permits

  1. Parking permits for student automobile or motorcycle lots on the campus are sold to students on a space-available basis in the following priority order:
    1. Students with permanent听disabilities听as verified by a licensed physician.
    2. Students with temporary disabilities听as verified by a licensed physician.
    3. All students based on class year as determined by completed credit hours.
  2. Student permits are non-transferrable.
  3. Student permits are sold for the academic year (August鈥揗ay) or by the semester.
  4. For academic year and for fall and spring semester, permit fees can be attached to the student鈥檚 tuition and fee bill.

Faculty/Staff Parking Permits

  1. Faculty/staff parking permits may be purchased via the parking portal.
  2. Campus Operational Access. Departments that require their employees to use personal vehicles to commute across campus to conduct departmental business may obtain University Operational Permits (see III-F below).
  3. Payment for faculty/staff permits can be made as follows:
    1. Payroll deduction. This method is available only to employees paid through the university payroll system; the applicant must authorize a payroll deduction on the permit application form. Deductions will be made a month in advance until the permit is canceled.
    2. Cash payment. Cash payments must be made in advance for the duration of the permit.
  4. Retirees. A standard retiree parking permit is available at no charge upon application to persons classified as retired employees of 麻豆免费版下载Boulder by the university鈥檚 Human Resources department.

麻豆免费版下载Boulder Owned Vehicles

Vehicles within this category are authorized to park free of charge in their assigned lot, service vehicle spaces, and at loading docks up to the allotted time posted on the sign. Vehicles in this category must pay at all parking payment machines and may not park at curb cuts or parking access points adjacent to spaces marked with the universal accessibility symbol or where signs prohibit parking.

Motorcycle/Moped Virtual Permits

  1. Motorcycle parking is restricted to motorcycle lots. Parking in automobile spaces is prohibited in all areas except time zones and metered spaces.
    1. Motorcycles may park in time zones and metered spaces for the authorized time period of the zone or meter by paying the required fee.
    2. When parking in time zones and metered spaces, the motorcycle shall park centered in the space.
    3. Motorcycles shall not occupy a space where another motor vehicle is already parked.

Multiple Vehicle Permits

  1. Carpool. Each vehicle in a carpool is allowed to park as designated by Parking Services. There is one permit number and one permit fee听and only one car may be parked on campus at a time. All members of the carpool must register their vehicles with Parking Services.
  2. Additional motor vehicles
    1. Permit holders are responsible for registering their additional personally owned vehicles that may be parked on campus under the permit.

Accessibility Permits

  1. Vehicles parked in accessible parking spaces must display a state-issued disability license plate, permit, decal, or placard at all times. Violators are subject to immediate tow. Accessible parking in 鈥減ermit only鈥 lots requires display of a 麻豆免费版下载Boulder parking permit and state issued disability license plate, permit, decal, or placard. Time limits and other conditions required by posted sign must be observed.
  2. Parking may be made available to faculty, staff, or students with a disability. Eligibility is contingent upon the following:
    1. Written verification from a licensed physician stating the expected duration听and the distance the person is able to walk to be submitted upon application for, or renewal of, Accessibility Permits.
    2. Parking Services reserves the right to request a second physician鈥檚 opinion regarding an applicant鈥檚 medical condition and/or mobility before permit issuance.
    3. Permits will be issued for parking areas as close to the applicant鈥檚 preference as possible based on space availability.
  3. Fees for Accessibility Permits
    1. Fees for permits issued to persons with disabilities are assessed at the standard permit rate.

Off Peak (evening/weekend) Permits

  1. Off Peak permits allow for parking outside the peak hours of the normal business day and on weekends.

Other Permits

  1. Parking permits may be sold to employees of agencies located on the Boulder campus.
  2. Under the Reciprocal Parking agreement, students and staff of the other 麻豆免费版下载campuses may park vehicles bearing valid parking permits from those campuses in lots 308 and 436 on Main Campus and lots 543 and 560 on East Campus. Parking in other lots requires a fee.
  3. Members of听van pools may park their personal vehicle on an occasional one-day basis by purchasing a temporary parking permit.

X Permits

  1. 鈥淴鈥 permits authorize parking in all 麻豆免费版下载Boulder permit-controlled lots.
  2. Notwithstanding the 鈥淴鈥 permit鈥檚 authorization for parking in all 麻豆免费版下载Boulder permit parking lots, 鈥淴鈥 permit holders are expected to park in their assigned primary parking lots except when conducting university business away from their workplace.
  3. 鈥淴鈥 permits do NOT authorize parking at 麻豆免费版下载Boulder parking meters, service vehicle parking zones, pay-as-you-park zones, in areas not designated as parking spaces, or in areas where parking or permit use is prohibited by sign.
  4. 鈥淴鈥 permits are generally issued to officers of the university, department chairs or department directors. Approval can be requested by the department Dean or Vice Chancellor, in writing, to the Director of Parking Services.
  5. Applicants for 鈥淴鈥 permits must demonstrate regular and ongoing job duties requiring mobility between various 麻豆免费版下载Boulder facilities that cannot be reasonably accommodated by walking, transit, telecommuting or other means.
  6. Retiree applicants for 鈥淴鈥 permits must demonstrate an ongoing relationship with, and service to, the university from which arises a regular and ongoing requirement for mobility between various 麻豆免费版下载Boulder facilities that cannot be reasonably accommodated by walking, transit, telecommuting or other means.
  7. 鈥淴鈥 permits and job or duty changes:
    1. 鈥淴鈥 permits are issued based upon job duties and related mobility requirements. 鈥淴鈥 permits must be relinquished in the event of a job change.
    2. Persons relinquishing 鈥淴鈥 permits because of job changes may reapply provided their new positions meet the eligibility requirements outlined in this section.
    3. 鈥淴鈥 permit privileges may be terminated upon review based on changes in job duties and mobility requirements.
  8. Fees for 鈥淴鈥 permits are assessed at the maximum faculty/staff parking rate for all current and retired assignees.

Regent Permits

Regent permits are issued only to current members of the University of Colorado鈥檚 Board of Regents. Regent permits authorize parking in any designated vehicular parking stall on the 麻豆免费版下载Boulder campus, with the exception of disability parking spaces and reserved spaces. Vehicles parked in disability parking spaces must display a state issued disability license plate, placard, decal, or permit.

Lost/Stolen Permits

  1. A lost or stolen parking permit may be replaced for an administrative fee upon the permit holder鈥檚 submission of a completed Parking Permit Replacement Application, available at Parking Services.
    1. Stolen parking permits should be reported to the appropriate police jurisdiction.
    2. Criminal charges may be filed against any person in possession of a stolen parking permit.
  2. Permits that have been reported lost or stolen are invalid for use at 麻豆免费版下载Boulder.
  3. Any vehicle displaying a parking permit that has been reported lost or stolen is subject to a parking ticket and may be towed and impounded at the owner鈥檚 expense.
  4. Recovered lost or stolen permits must be returned to Parking Services.

Oversized vehicle permits

  1. Vehicles greater than 18 feet in length or 8 feet in width are considered oversized vehicles and must make special arrangements with Parking Services to park on campus. This includes any vehicle with trailer which occupies more than one standard parking space.
  2. Parking permit rates for oversized vehicles shall be assessed based upon the number of standard parking spaces the vehicle requires. The fee assessed shall equal the prevailing rate of the permit type requested multiplied by the number of spaces the vehicle occupies.