Astronaut Stability Training Response Apparatus (ASTRA)

Project Topic: Gamifying Balance System for Astronaut Training
Description: Team ASTRA is designing an apparatus that will facilitate astronaut training aimed at mitigating balance impairment. ASTRA will specifically provide a gamified balance training experience for astronauts to use prior to launch. This system will react to the sway of the trainee, either accentuating or countering their movement. According to how the trainee reacts, a score will be generated to provide feedback on how well they restabilized themselves. By gamifying stability training, ASTRA aims to reduce balance deterioration due to extended stays in microgravity environments.
Sponsor: General Atomics
Team Members: Cyrus Nichols (PM), Jarrett Bartson, Bradley Bishop, Riley Gordon, Garrett Lycett, Alec Macchia, Tyler Schwinck, Tim Shaw, Sophia Trissell