Humanitarian Aid Winged Kit (HAWK)
Humanitarian Aid Winged Kit (HAWK)

Project Topic: Rocket Boosted Glider Payload Delivery System
Description: The H.A.W.K. aims to develop a hybrid rocket glider system that can safely and accurately deliver medical supplies to remote locations. The system will target applications such as stranded or injured hikers with GPS devices, trapped individuals, and emergency response in conflict areas. The team will develop a working prototype rocket glider which is fully equipped with propulsion and control systems.
Sponsor: Sierra Nevada Corporation
Team Members
- Sean Laufenberg (PM)
- Matt Turner
- Nathan Malyszek
- Jackson Clark
- Akram Alribi
- Fahad Alawadhi
- Nicole Crouse
- Alex Kistamma
- Bo Iacobbo
- Chase Malanowski
- Saikiran Chandramouli
- Sebastian Escobar