Recommended First Year Courses by Major

Below you will find guidance, by major, of what classes to register for in your first year at 鶹ѰBoulder as a first-yearengineering student. A number of classes are interchangeable between first and second semester, so options and alternatives are provided.

If you have any questions, please contact your academic advisor.

Fall Semester (15-16credits)

  • APPM XXXX or MATH XXXX Math course(4-5 credits)

  • Engineering Projects course* (can be taken fall or spring) (3 credits)

  • PHYS 1110** General Physics 1 (can be taken fall or spring) (4 credits)

  • Humanities/Social Science elective*** (3 credits)

  • COEN 1830**** First-Year Seminar(1 credit)

Spring Semester (17-18 credits)

  • APPM XXXX or MATH XXXX Next math course in sequence(4-5 credits)

  • ASEN 1320 Computer Science 1 (can be taken fall or spring) (4 credits)

  • MCEN 1024 Chemistry for Energy and Materials Science(can be taken fall or spring, 3 credits)

  • Humanities/Social Science electives*** (6 credits)

*Engineering Projects

ASEN 1403, GEEN 1400, and ECEN 1400 are all interchangeable first-year projects courses offered fall and spring semesters.


Requires a pre-requisite or co-requisite of Calc. 1B or Calculus 1 in order to enroll.

***Humanities & Social Science Electives

View alist of approved courses

****COEN 1830 First-Year Seminar

All incoming College of Engineering and Applied Science students will take a first-year seminar course as part of the Engineering Connections residential community. Students in the Engineering Honors and Global Engineering Residential Academic Programs have their own required three-credit courses that cover the same materials.


ASEN 1320 requires a pre-requisite or co-requisite of Pre-Calculus, Calc. 1A, or Calculus 1 in order to enroll.

Fall Semester (17credits)

  • APPM XXXX*Math course(4 credits)

  • CHEN 1201**General Chemistry 1 for Engineers(4 credits)

    • CHEN 1211 Accelerated General Chemistry for Engineersmay be an option for qualified students

  • CHEM 1114** Laboratory in General Chemistry 1(1 credit)

  • APPM 1650****Python for Mathematical and Statistical Applications (4 credits)

  • Humanities/Social Science elective*** (3 credits)

  • COEN 1830 First-Year Seminar (1 credit)

Spring Semester (14-16 credits)

  • APPM XXXXNext math course in sequence(4 credits)

  • PHYS 1110**General Physics 1 (4 credits)

  • Technical Elective(consult your advisor, 3-5 credits)

  • Humanities/Social Science elective*** (3 credits)

*Applied Mathematics

If you have earned college credit for Calculus 1 and 2 (APPM 1350 and 1360), and if your own self-assessment ofprevious applied math final examsindicates you are ready for Calculus 3 (APPM 2350) or Differential Equations (APPM 2360), then we also recommend you enroll in APPM 2351 (Calculus 3 Workgroup) or APPM 2460 (Differential Equations Computer Lab). Both of these supplemental instruction courses are 1 credit, with (i.e. excluded from GPA). APPM 2351 provides additional support in a collaborative setting for students enrolled in APPM 2350. APPM 2460 teaches the fundamentals of Matlab programming, which is needed for APPM 2360.


You may switch the semesters in which you take PHYS 1110 and CHEN 1201/CHEM 1114. You should have knowledge of calculus before enrolling in PHYS 1110 (calculus-based physics 1). As a reminder,CHEN 1211 Accelerated General Chemistry for Engineersmay be an option for qualified students.

***Humanities & Social Science Electives

View alist of approved courses.


All Applied Math majors must take an introductory programming course, typically in their first year. We recommend APPM 1650, which provides students with an introduction to Python, an important programming language for most incoming Applied Math majors. If you are familiar with Python and/or are interested in taking more computer science classes as part of your degree, then CSCI 1300 may be a better choice. CHEN 1310 will cover Visual Basic, Excel, and an introduction to MATLAB and is appropriate for students planning to double major withChemical &Biological Engineering. Please consult your academic advisor if you have questions.

COEN 1830 First-Year Seminar

All incoming College of Engineering and Applied Science students will take a first-year seminar course as part of the Engineering Connections residential community. Students in the Engineering Honors and Global Engineering Residential Academic Programs have their own required three-credit courses that cover the same materials.

Fall Semester (16-18credits)

  • APPM XXXX or MATH XXXX Math course (4-5 credits)

  • AREN 1316Introduction to Architectural Engineering(fall only, 1credit)

  • CHEN 1201* General Chemistry for Engineers 1 (fall or spring, 4 credits)

  • CHEN 1114* Laboratory in General Chemistry 1(fall or spring, 1credit)

  • CSCI 1200*** Introduction to Computational Thinking (fall only, 3 credits)

  • Humanities/Social Science elective**** (3 credits)

  • COEN 1830 First-Year Seminar (1 credit)

Spring Semester (17-18 credits)

  • APPM XXXX or MATH XXXX Next math course in sequence(4-5 credits)

  • AREN 1027 Engineering Drawing (fall or spring, 3 credits)

  • PHYS 1110*General Physics 1(4 credits)

  • Engineering Projects course** (fall or spring, 3 credits)

  • Humanities/Social Science elective**** (3 credits)


You may switch the semesters in which you take PHYS 1110 and CHEN 1201 & CHEM 1114. You should have knowledge of calculus before enrolling in PHYS 1110 (calculus-based physics 1). Architectural Engineering students can choose to take CHEM 1114 (chemistry lab) or PHYS 1140 (physics lab). Students choosing to take the physics lab will take it concurrently with PHYS 1120 General Physics 2, usually in the sophomore year.

**Engineering Projects

ASEN 1403, GEEN 1400,and ECEN 1400 are all interchangeable first-year projects courses offered fall and spring semesters.


Architectural Engineering students are encouraged to take CSCI 1200. AREN will also accept ASEN1320,CHEN 1310, CSCI 1300, or MCEN 1030to fulfill this degree requirement.

****Humanities & Social Science Electives

View alist of approved courses.

COEN 1830 First-Year Seminar

All incoming College of Engineering and Applied Science students will take a first-year seminar course as part of the Engineering Connections residential community. Students in the Engineering Honors and Global Engineering Residential Academic Programs have their own required three-credit courses that cover the same materials.

Fall Semester (16-17 credits)

  • APPM XXXX or MATH XXXX Math Course (4-5 credits)

  • BMEN 1025 Computer-Aided Design & Fabrication or CHEN 1310 Introduction to Engineering Computing (4 credits)

  • CHEN 1201 General Chemistry for Engineers (4 credits)

    • Students on the Pre-Med track should also enroll in the CHEM 1114 lab (1 credit)

  • BIEN 2810 for Industry track or MCDB 1150 for Pre-Med tracks (3 credits)

  • COEN 1830* First-Year Seminar (1 credit)

Spring Semester (15-16 credits)

  • APPM XXXX or MATH XXXX Math Course (4-5 credits)

  • BMEN 1000 Explore BME (1)

  • CHEN 1203 General Chemistry for Engineers (2 credits) and CHEM 1221 Engineering General Chemistry Lab (1 credit)

    • Students on the Pre-Med track should enroll in CHEM 1133 (4 credits) and CHEM 1134 (1 credit) instead

  • PHYS 1110 General Physics 1 (4 credits)

  • BMEN 1025 Computer-Aided Design and Fabrication or CHEN 1310Introduction to Engineering Computing(3 credits)

Students considering a pre-med career path follow a more restricted schedule and should consult with an academic advisor.

*COEN 1830 First-Year Seminar

All incoming College of Engineering and Applied Science students will take a first-year seminar course as part of the Engineering Connections residential community. Students in the Engineering Honors and Global Engineering Residential Academic Programs have their own required three-credit courses that cover the same materials.

Fall Semester (15-17 credits)

  • APPM XXXX or MATH XXXXMath course(4-5 credits)

  • CHEN 1201 General Chemistry 1 for Engineers (4)

    • Accelerated Chemistry is available; please contact your advisor

  • CHEN 1300 Introduction to Chemical Engineering (1 credit) (Optional Engineering Elective)

  • CHEN 1310Introduction to Engineering Computing(3 credits)

  • Humanities/Social Science elective*** (3 credits)

  • COEN 1830* First-Year Seminar (1 credit)

Spring Semester (17-18 credits)

  • APPM XXXX or MATH XXXXNext math course in sequence(4-5 credits)

  • CHEM 1221 General ChemistryLab (1 credit)

  • CHEN 1203 General Chemistry 2 for Engineers (2 credits)

  • BIEN 2810Biology for Engineers(3 credits)

  • PHYS 1110General Physics 1(4 credits)

  • Humanities/Social Science elective**(3 credits)

Students considering a pre-med career path follow a more restricted schedule and should consult with an academic advisor.

*COEN 1830 First-Year Seminar

All incoming College of Engineering and Applied Science students will take a first-year seminar course as part of the Engineering Connections residential community. Students in the Engineering Honors and Global Engineering Residential Academic Programs have their own required three-credit courses that cover the same materials.

**Humanities & Social Science Electives

View a list of approved courses.

Fall Semester (17-18credits)

  • APPM XXXX or MATH XXXXMath course(4-5 credits)

  • CVEN 1317Introduction to Civil & Environmental Engineering (fall only, 1credit)

  • CHEN 1201* General Chemistry for Engineers 1 (fall or spring, 4 credits)

  • CHEM 1114 Labroratory in General Chemistry 1 (fall or spring, 1 credit)

  • CSCI 1200**** Introduction to Computational Thinking (fall only, 3 credits)

  • Humanities/Social Science elective*** (3 credits)

  • COEN 1830 First-Year Seminar (1 credit)

Spring Semester (14-15 credits)

  • APPM XXXX or MATH XXXXNext math course in sequence(4-5 credits)

  • CVEN 1027 Engineering Drawing (spring only, 3 credits)

  • PHYS 1110* General Physics 1 (4 credits)

  • Engineering Projects Course**(3 credits)


You may switch the semesters in which you take PHYS 1110 and CHEN 1201 & CHEM 1114. You should have knowledge of calculus before enrolling in PHYS 1110 (calculus-based physics 1).

**Engineering Projects

ASEN 1403, GEEN 1400,and ECEN 1400 are all interchangeable first-year projects courses offered fall and spring semesters.

***Humanities & Social Science Electives

View alist of approved courses.


Civil Engineering students are encouraged to take CSCI 1200. CVEN will also accept ASEN1320,CHEN 1310, CSCI 1300, or MCEN 1030 to fulfill this degree requirement.

COEN 1830 First-Year Seminar

All incoming College of Engineering and Applied Science students will take a first-year seminar course as part of the Engineering Connections residential community. Students in the Engineering Honors and Global Engineering Residential Academic Programs have their own required three-credit courses that cover the same materials.

Fall Semester (16-17credits)

  • APPM XXXX or MATH XXXXMath course(4-5 credits)

  • CSCI 1000Computer Science as a Field of Work and Study (fall only, 1 credit)

  • CSCI 1300* Computer Science 1(4 credits)

  • Natural Science**

    • PHYS 1110 General Physics 1 (4 credits), or Natural Science Elective(3-4credits)

  • Humanities/Social Science elective***(3 credits)

    • OR a Logic & Ethics Requirement Course****

  • COEN 1830 First-Year Seminar (1 credit)

Spring Semester (14-17credits)

  • APPM XXXX or MATH XXXXNext math course in sequence(4-5 credits)

  • CSCI 2270Computer Science 2: Data Structures(4 credits)

  • Next Course in Natural Science sequence** or Natural Science elective (3-5 credits)

  • Humanities/Social Science elective***(3 credits)

    • OR a Logic & Ethics Requirement Course****


CSCI 1300, Computer Science 1requires a co-requisite or pre-requisite of Pre-Calculus or Calculus 1.

**Natural Science Requirements

Natural Science requirements are found on the Computer Science website. You should have knowledge of calculus before enrolling in PHYS 1110 (calculus-based physics 1).Please consult with your advisor if you have questions about the natural science requirements.

***Humanities & Social Science Electives

View a list of approved courses

****Logic & Ethics Requirement

The Logic and Ethics Requirement for BS Computer Science majors can be found on the Computer Science website.

COEN 1830 First-Year Seminar

All incoming College of Engineering and Applied Science students will take a first-year seminar course as part of the Engineering Connections residential community. Students in the Engineering Honors and Global Engineering Residential Academic Programs have their own required three-credit courses that cover the same materials.

Fall Semester (17credits)

  • MATH 1300 Calculus 1 (5 credits)

  • CSCI 1000Computer Science as a Field of Work and Study (fall only, 1 credit)

  • CSCI 1300* Computer Science 1 (4 credits)

  • General Education Skills Requirement Lower Division Written Communication (3 credits)

  • GE Distribution course (3 credits) OR a Logic & Ethics Requirement Course**

  • COEN 1830**** First-Year Seminar (1 credit)

Spring Semester (14-17 credits)

  • MATH 2300 Calculus 2 (5 credits)

  • CSCI 2270 Computer Science 2: Data Structures (4 credits)

  • GenEd Natural Science elective ** (3-5 credits)

  • GenEd Distribution course** (3 credits) OR a Logic & Ethics Requirement Course***


CSCI 1300, Computer Science 1 requires a co-requisite or pre-requisite of Pre-Calculus or Calculus 1.

**General Education Distribution

Courses can be identified using the Advance Search filters in the class search under “Any A&S GenEd Attribute (Fall 2018+)” select Natural Sciences, Social Sciences or Arts & Humanities

***Logic & Ethics Requirement

The Logic and Ethics Requirement for BA Computer Science majors can be found on the Computer Science website.

****COEN 1830 First-Year Seminar

All incoming College of Engineering and Applied Science students will take a first-year seminar course as part of the Engineering Connections residential community. Students in the Engineering Honors and Global Engineering Residential Academic Programs have their own required three-credit courses that cover the same materials.

Fall Semester (15-17credits)

  • APPM XXXX or MATH XXXXMath course(4-5 credits)

  • ATLS 1300 or CSCI 1300 (4credits)

  • Approved natural science course*(3-4 credits)

  • ATLS 1100Design Foundations(3 credits)

  • COEN 1830**** First-Year Seminar (1 credit)

Spring Semester (17-18credits)

  • APPM XXXX or MATH XXXXNext math course in sequence(4-5credits)

  • ATLS 2270 or CSCI 2270 (4 credits)

  • Engineering Projects course**(fall or spring, 3 credits)

  • ATLS 2000Meaning of Information Technology(3 credits)

  • Humanities/Social Science elective*** (3 credits)

*Approved Natural Science Course

View a list of approved courses.

**Engineering Projects

ASEN 1403, GEEN 1400,and ECEN 1400 are all interchangeable first-year projects courses offered fall and spring semesters. If a first-year projects course isn't taken in the first year, the student can take an approved focus elective (projects course) later in their academic career.

***Humanities & Social Science Electives

View a list of approved courses.

****COEN 1830 First-Year Seminar

All incoming College of Engineering and Applied Science students will take a first-year seminar course as part of the Engineering Connections residential community. Students in the Engineering Honors and Global Engineering Residential Academic Programs have their own required three-credit courses that cover the same materials.

Fall Semester (16-17credits)

  • APPM XXXX or MATH XXXXMath course(4-5 credits)

  • ECEN 1100Freshman Seminar(fall only, 1 credit)

  • ECEN 1400*Introduction to Digital & Analog Electronics (3 credits)

  • PHYS 1110**General Physics 1(4 credits)

  • Humanities/Social Science elective*** (3 credits)

  • COEN 1830**** First-Year Seminar (1 credit)

Spring Semester (16-17 credits)

  • APPM XXXX or MATH XXXXNext math course in sequence (4-5 credits)

  • ECEN 1310 C Programming for ECE (4 credits)

  • PHYS 1120General Physics 2(4 credits)

  • PHYS 1140Experimental Physics 1(1 credit)

  • Humanities/Social Science elective***(3 credits)

*Engineering Projects

Electrical and Electrical & Computer Engineering students are encouraged to take ECEN 1400. ECEE will also accept GEEN 1400 and ASEN 1403 to fulfill this degree requirement.

**Physics/General Science Elective

PHYS 1110 is recommended for students with prior Calculus experience who will be concurrently enrolled in Calculus 1 or higher. Students who are not enrolled in Calculus 1 or higher in their first semester may want to consider enrolling in aGeneral Science Electiveinstead of PHYS 1110.

***Humanities & Social Science Electives

View a list of approved courses.

****COEN 1830 First-Year Seminar

All incoming College of Engineering and Applied Science students will take a first-year seminar course as part of the Engineering Connections residential community. Students in the Engineering Honors and Global Engineering Residential Academic Programs have their own required three-credit courses that cover the same materials.

Fall Semester (16-17 credits)

  • APPM XXXX or MATH XXXXMath course(4-5 credits)

  • PHYS 1115* General Physics 1 for Physics Majors OR PHYS 1110*General Physics 1(4 credits)

  • CSCI 1300** Computer Science 1(4 credits)

  • Humanities/Social Science elective*** (3 credits)

  • COEN 1830**** First-Year Seminar (1 credit)

Spring Semester (16-17 credits)

  • APPM XXXX or MATH XXXXMath course(4-5 credits)

  • PHYS 1125 General Physics 2 for Physics Majors OR PHYS 1120General Physics 2(4 credits)

  • PHYS 1140Experimental Physics 1(1 credit)

  • CSCI 2270**Computer Science 2: Data Structures(4 credits)

  • Humanities/Social Science elective*** (3 credits)


You should have knowledge of calculus before enrolling in PHYS 1115 or PHYS 1110 (calculus-based physics 1). Calculus 1 (APPM 1350 or MATH 1300)is a co-requisite course for PHYS 1115 and PHYS 1110. If you are not enrolled in Calculus 1(or higher) your first semester, consider enrollment in CHEM 1113 & CHEM 1114 (General Chemistry 1 + Lab) to alternatively work on your chemistry requirement.


In the second semester, Engineering Physics students have the option to enroll in a drafting class such as AREN 1027 or MCEN 1025, or a second semester computer science course such as CSCI 2270. Alternatively, students may complete PHYS 2600 as the second computer science course during their third semester.

***Humanities & Social Science Electives

View a list of approved courses.

****COEN 1830 First-Year Seminar

All incoming College of Engineering and Applied Science students will take a first-year seminar course as part of the Engineering Connections residential community. Students in the Engineering Honors and Global Engineering Residential Academic Programs have their own required three-credit courses that cover the same materials.

The recommendations below are for students with a chosen disciplinary emphasis within Integrated Design Engineering.Because Integrated Design Engineering inherently involves a great deal of flexibility, many curricular paths are possible. For the clearest explanation of these options, please see the Integrated Design Engineering program website.

Fall Semester (14-15 credits)

  • APPM XXXX or MATH XXXX Math course (4-5 credits)

  • GEEN 1400 Engineering Projects (fall or spring, 3 credits) OR Engineering Computing Course*** (consult your advisor, 3-4 credits)

  • Science 1* (3-5 credits)

  • Writing/Humanities/Social Science elective** (3 credits)

  • COEN 1830**** First-Year Seminar (1 credit)

Spring Semester (13-17 credits)

  • APPM XXXX or MATH XXXX Next math course in sequence (4-5 credits)

  • Science 2* (3-5 credits)

  • Engineering Computing Course*** (consult your advisor, 3-4 credits) GEEN 1400 Engineering Projects (fall or spring, 3 credits)

  • Writing/Humanities/Social Science elective** (3 credits)


Your science sequence is flexible, but the recommended sequence for each emphasis is shown in the table below. You should have knowledge of calculus before enrolling in PHYS 1110 (calculus-based physics 1).


Science 1 (Fall)

Science 2 (Spring)


PHYS 1110

MCEN 1024 or CHEN 1201


CHEN 1201


PHYS 1110

PHYS 1110

CHEN 1201


CHEN 1201 & CHEM 1114


PHYS 1110

PHYS 1110

CHEN 1201 & CHEM 1114


PHYS 1110

PHYS 1120 & PHYS 1140


PHYS 1110

PHYS 1120 &PHYS 1140


PHYS 1110


MCEN 1024

MCEN 1024


PHYS 1110


PHYS 1120 & PHYS 1140

**Humanities & Social Science Electives

View a list of approved courses.


The recommended computing course for each emphasis is shown in the table below. You should have knowledge of calculus before enrolling in CSCI 1300 or CHEN 1310.


Computing Course


ASEN 1320


CSCI 1200


CSCI 1200


CSCI 1300


CHEN 1310


MCEN 1030

****COEN 1830 First-Year Seminar

All incoming College of Engineering and Applied Science students will take a first-year seminar course as part of the Engineering Connections residential community. Students in the Engineering Honors and Global Engineering Residential Academic Programs have their own required three-credit courses that cover the same materials.

Fall Semester (16-17credits)

  • APPM XXXX or MATH XXXXMath course(4-5 credits)

  • CHEN 1201General Chemistry 1 for Engineers(4)

    • Accelerated Chemistry is available; please contact your advisor

  • EVEN 1000Introduction to Environmental Engineering(fall only, 1 credit)

  • Engineering Projects course** (fall or spring, 3 credits)

  • Humanities/Social Science elective*** (3 credits)

  • COEN 1830**** First-Year Seminar (1 credit)

Spring Semester (18-19 credits)

  • APPM XXXX or MATH XXXXNext math course in sequence (4-5 credits)

  • CHEN 1310Introduction to Engineering Computing(fall or spring, 3 credits)

  • PHYS 1110Physics 1 (4 credits)

  • CHEN 1203 & CHEM 1221

  • Humanities/Social Science elective***(3 credits)

**Engineering Projects

ASEN 1403, GEEN 1400, and ECEN 1400 are all interchangeable first-year projects courses offered fall and spring semesters.

***Humanities & Social Science Electives

View a list of approved courses.

****COEN 1830 First-Year Seminar

All incoming College of Engineering and Applied Science students will take a first-year seminar course as part of the Engineering Connections residential community. Students in the Engineering Honors and Global Engineering Residential Academic Programs have their own required three-credit courses that cover the same materials.

Fall Semester (15-16credits)

  • APPM XXXX or MATH XXXXMath course(4-5 credits)

  • MCEN 1024*Chemistry for Energy & Materials Science(3credits)

  • MCEN 1030 Intro to Engineering Computing** (4 credits)

  • Engineering Projects course*** (3 credits)

  • COEN 1830 First-Year Seminar (1 credit)

Spring Semester (15-16 credits)

  • APPM XXXX or MATH XXXXNext math course in sequence(4-5 credits)

  • PHYS 1110*General Physics 1(4 credits)

  • MCEN 1025Computer-Aided Design & Fabrication(4 credits)

  • Humanities/Social Science elective****(3 credits)


Mechanical Engineering recommends either a Physics or Chemistry course for thefirst semester:

  • PHYS 1110 is recommended for students with prior Calculus experience who will be concurrently enrolled in Calculus 1 or higher.

  • MCEN 1024 is the recommended chemistry course for students enrolled in Mechanical Engineering who are not considering switching to a different major or who placed into Pre-Calculus. Mechanical Engineering majors are not required to complete a Chemistry lab course (i.e. CHEM 1114).The recommended pre-requisite for MCEN 1024 is one year of high school chemistry or CHEM 1021.

  • CHEN 1201 & CHEM 1114 are the recommended chemistry courses for Engineering students who are unsure about their major, or who are considering the medical field.The pre-requisite for CHEN 1201 is one year of high school chemistry or CHEM 1021.


Mechanical Engineering students are encouraged to take MCEN 1030. MCEN will also accept CSCI 1300, ASEN 1320, or ECEN 1310 to fulfill this degree requirement.

***Engineering Projects

GEEN 1400, ASEN 1403, and ECEN 1400 are all interchangeable first-year projects courses offered fall and spring semesters.

****Humanities & Social Science Electives

View a list of approved courses.

COEN 1830 First-Year Seminar

All incoming College of Engineering and Applied Science students will take a first-year seminar course as part of the Engineering Connections residential community. Students in the Engineering Honors and Global Engineering Residential Academic Programs have their own required three-credit courses that cover the same materials.

The college offers a Flexible First-Year Curriculum (detailed below) that allows students to explore various engineering majors before making an informed decision about which one to select. The Flexible First-Year Curriculum provides assurance that all credits can be used to meet the requirements of all College of Engineering and Applied Science undergraduate degree programs. If desired, Open Option students may be able to enroll in additional major-specific coursework with department approval. Open Option students must declare their choice of major by the 8th week of their second semester.

Fall Semester (16-17 credits)

  • APPM XXXX or MATH XXXX Math Course (4-5 credits)

  • Appropriate Science Course*(fall or spring, 4 credits)

  • Engineering Projects Course** (fall or spring, 3 credits)

  • Humanities/Social Science Elective or Writing Course*** (3 credits)

  • Major introduction course**** (recommended, 1 credit)

  • COEN 1830 First-Year Seminar (1 credit)

Spring Semester (14-16 credits)

  • APPM XXXX or MATH XXXX Math Course (4-5 credits)

  • Computing course* (fall or spring, 3-4 credits)

  • Appropriate Science Course* (fall or spring, 4 credits)

  • Disciplinary Course (consult your advisor, 3 credits)

    • AND/OR: Humanities/Social Science Elective or Writing Course*** (3 credits)

*Appropriate Science Course

Most engineering majors recommend taking PHYS 1110 in the first semester. However, you need to have a Calculus math placement in order to enroll in PHYS 1110 (calculus-based physics 1). If your math placement is lower than Calculus, talk with your academic advisor about an appropriate replacement course for the fall semester. Some majors recommend or require chemistry in the first year or first semester of the degree plan. CHEN 1211 Accelerated Chemistry for Engineers isan option for students who received a 3, 4 or 5 on the AP Chemistry exam or equivalent IB scores. Check with your academic advisor for more information about the particular program(s) you are interested in pursuing in order to ensure you are enrolled in the appropriate science course or course combination for your first semester/year in Engineering.

**Engineering Projects

GEEN 1400, ECEN 1400, and ASEN 1403 are all interchangeable first-year projects courses.

***Humanities & Social Science Elective or Writing Course

View a list of approved courses.

****Major Introduction Courses

Open Option students have the opportunity to enroll in any of the following 1 credit introduction courses:

  • ASEN 1009 Undergraduate Aerospace Seminar (fall and spring, 1 credit)
  • AREN 1316 Introduction to Architectural Engineering (fall only, 1 credit)
  • BMEN 1000 Exploring Biomedical Engineering (spring only, 1 credit)
  • CVEN 1317 Introduction to Civil & Environmental Engineering (fall only, 1 credit)
  • CHEN 1300 Introduction to Chemical Engineering (fall only, 1 credit)
  • CSCI 1000 Computer Science as a Field of Work and Study (fall only, 1 credit)
  • ECEN 1100 Exploring ECE (fall only, 1 credit)

****COEN 1830 First-Year Seminar

All incoming College of Engineering and Applied Science students will take a first-year seminar course as part of the Engineering Connections residential community. Students in the Engineering Honors and Global Engineering Residential Academic Programs have their own required three-credit courses that cover the same materials.


Computer Science and most other majors typically accept CSCI 1300, which covers programming in C++. Biomedical Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Biological Engineering, and Environmental Engineering majors should enroll in CHEN 1310, which covers Visual Basic, Excel, and an introduction to MATLAB. Architectural Engineering and Civil Engineering majors typically enroll in CSCI 1200. Aerospace majors enroll in ASEN 1320.Check with your academic advisor to ensure you are enrolling in the appropriate computing course for the major(s) you are interested in pursuing.