Randy Bass, PhD (GRA) | Executive Vice President of Process Design | Just Evotec Biotherapeutics, Seattle, WA | randal.bass_gmail.com |
Joshua Bornhorst, PhD (GRA) | Co-Director Clinical Immunoassay and Metals Laboratories | Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN | Bornhorst.Joshua_mayo.edu |
Tom Buckles, PhD (GRA) | Senior Scientific Lead | Loxo Oncology at Lilly, Denver, CO | thomas.buckles_colorado.edu |
Scott Butler, PhD (GRA) | Senior Director, Global Program Leader | Takeda Pharmaceuticals, Cambridge, MA | scott.lee.butler_gmail.com |
Claire Careaga, PhD, CN (GRA) | Owner and Chief Nutritionist | Better Way Nutrition, Newberg, OR | careaga_gmail.com |
Steve Chervitz, PhD (GRA) | Senior Bioinformatics Scientist | Personalis Precision Therapeutics, Menlo Park, CA | trutane_gmail.com |
Ted Chen, MS (UG) | Director of Engineering | Kahn Academy | eatbitter_gmail.com |
Matthew Coleman, MD (UG) | Critical Care Specialist and Anesthesiologist | Columbia University Medical Center, NY | mattfromutah_hotmail.com |
John Corbin, PhD (PD) | Chief Development Officer and Senior Vice President | Big Hat Therapeutics, Oakland, CA | corbinjohn_gmail.com |
Nick Cordaro, BS (UG) | MD/PhD Student | University of Colorado Medical School | Nicholas.Cordaro_colorado.edu |
Mark Danielson, PhD (GRA) | Clinical Laboratory Technologist | Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN | Danielson.Mark_mayo.edu |
Steve Drake, PhD (GRA) | Senior Mass Spectrometrist | NIH, Bethesda, MD | steve.drake_nih.gov |
Jane Duplantis Buchanan, BS (UG) | MSTP Trainee, MD-PhD Program | U Iowa Medical School, IA | jane-buchanan_uiowa.edu |
John Evans, PhD (PD) | Vice President, Yeast Innovation | AB Mauri Biotek, Denver, CO | john.evans_colorado.edu |
Jonathan Hannan | Affiliate Faculty Member | Metro State University | jhannan3_msudenver.edu |
Louise Ingalls, DVM (UG) | Veterinary Medicine | Ingalls Veterinarians, Edwards, CO | lingalls_centurytel.net |
Jeff Knight, PhD (PD) | Associate Professor, Department of Chemistry | University of Colorado, Denver, CO | Âá±ð´Ú´Ú±ð°ù²õ´Ç²Ô.°ì²Ô¾±²µ³ó³Ù³å³Ü³¦»å±ð²Ô±¹±ð°ù.±ð»å³ÜÌýÌý |
Susy Kohout, PhD (GRA) | Associate Professor, Cell Biology and Neuroscience | Cooper Medical School of Rowan U, Camden NJ | kohout_rowan.edu |
Kyle Landgraf, PhD (GRA) | Senior Director of Discovery Research | Dextera Biosciences, Reno NV | kyle.landgraf_gmail.com |
Keith Lee, MD (UG) | Surgical Oncology & Urology | Palo Alto Medical Foundation, CA | LeeK7_pamf.org |
Linda Luck, PhD (PD) | Professor & Chair of Chemistry | SUNY Plattsburg, NY | luckla_plattsburgh.edu |
Travis Madsen, BS (UG) | Transportation Program Director andÌýPolicy Analyst | Southwest Energy Efficiency Project, Denver, CO | travis.madsen_gmail.com |
Nate Malmberg, PhD (GRA) | Professor of Chemistry | Oklahoma Baptist University,ÌýShawnee, OK | nathan.malmberg_okbu.edu |
Justin Martyr, BS (UG) | PhD Student in Chemistry | Duke University, NC | justin.martyr_colorado.edu |
Aaron S. Miller, PhD (GRA) | CMC Program Director | South San Francisco, CA | asmillertime_gmail.com |
Eric Nalefski, PhD (PD) | Senior Scientist | Global Health Labs, Seattle, WA | enalefski_hotmail.com |
Andrew Natale, BS (UG) | PhD Student, Grabe Lab | UC San Francisco, CA | andrew.natale_ucsf.edu |
Olve Peersen, PhD (PD) | Professor of Biochemistry | Colorado State University, Ft Collins, CO | olve.peersen_colostate.edu |
Carissa Pilling, PhD (UG) | Pathology Diagnostics Liason | Bristol Meyers Squibb, Salt Lake City, UT | carissa.pilling_gmail.com |
Kene Piasta, PhD (PD) | Assistant Professor of Biology | Brandeis University, Waltham, MA | kpiasta_brandeis.edu |
Peter Slivka, PhD (GRA) | Senior Discovery Scientist II | Abbvie Inc, North Grafton, MA | pfslivka_gmail.com |
Eric Snyder, PhD (UG) | Data Scientist | Freeport McMoRan, Inc, Mesa, AZ | eesnyder_eesnyder.org |
Diane Starrett Kottas, MS (GRA) | Research Associate, Rescher Lab | University of Muenster, Germany | dianekottas_gmail.com |
Nicole Stricker, PhD (UG) | Manager of Science Communications | Idaho National Laboratory, Idaho Falls, ID | nstricker_nasw.org |
Ka Lin Swain, PhD (GRA) | Professional Resarch Associate | U Colorado Medical Campus, Denver, CO | kalinswain_hotmail.com |
George (Hayden) Swisher | Full Time Faculty Member | Metro State University | gswishe1_msudenver.edu |
Ashesh Thaker, MD (UG) | Assistant Professor of Neuroradiology | U Colorado Medical Campus, Denver, CO | ashesh.thaker_cuanschutz.edu |
Matt Trammel, PhD, J.D. (UG) | Senior Counsel, Biologics Patent Division | Sanofi Inc, Boston, MA | mtrammell_gmail.com |
Caleb Ulliman, BS (UG) | High School Science Teacher | JF Kennedy American School, Querataro, Mexico | caleb.ulliman_gmail.com |
Stefan Voertler, PhD (GRA) | Professor of Chemistry | Technische HochschuleÌýOstwestfalen-Lippe, Germany | stefan.voertler_hs-owl.de |
Mark Wisner, MD (UG) | General Physician | Boulder Community Health, Boulder, CO | mawisner_msn.com |
Gina Westhoff, MD (UG) | Gynocologic Oncologist / Obstetrics | Legacy Health, Portland, OR | ginawesthoff_gmail.com |
Noah White, MD, FACEP (UG) | Director, Emergency Medicine | Albany Medical Center, Albany, NY | noahwhite_hotmail.com |
Brian Ziemba, PhD (PD) | Senior Scientist 2 | Revvity Biotech, Lafayette CO | brian.ziemba_colorado.edu |
Mike Zimmer, PhD (UG) | Principal Scientist | Moderna Therapeutics, Boston, MA | ma_zimmer_yahoo.com |