Selected Falke Group Accomplishments
- (2021) Discovery that Conventional PKC Can CompetitivelyInhibit PDK1 Phosphoactivation of AKT1 on a Target Membrane, As Revealed by Single Molecule Analysis (Gordon, Ziemba & Falke)
- (2021) Development of a UV Deconvolution Method to Analyze theProtein Concentration, Nucleotide Stoichiometry, and Purity of Ras-Guanine Nucleotide Complexes (Swisher, Hannan, Cordaro, Erbse, & Falke)
- (2020)Elucidation via Single Molecule Analysis of a Novel DualMolecular Mechanism by which the Small GTPase Rab5 Recruits and Allosterically Activates Class III PI3K and PI3P Production, (Buckles, Ziemba, Masson, Williams & Falke)
- (2020) Development of the First Single Molecule Assay for Class III PI3K Lipid Kinase Activity and PI3P Production on a Reconstituted Phagosome-Like Bilayer. (Buckles, Burke, Ohashi, Tremmel, Gordon, Williams & Falke)
- (2018) Hypothesis Testing in Live Macrophages Reveals that Ca-PKC, but not Ca-Calmodulin, Regulates the MARCKS-PI3K-PIP3 Circuit at the Leading Edge Membrane(Buckles, Ziemba, Masson, Williams & Falke)
- (2017) Discovery via Single Molecule Analysis that Ca-Calmodulin (Ca-CaM)Stimulates PIP3 Lipid Signaling In Vitrovia a Ca-CaM-MARCKS-PI3K-PIP3 Activation Module (Buckles, Ziemba, Masson, Williams & Falke)
- (2017) Elucidation via Single Molecule Analysis of the Molecular Mechanism by which the Oncogenic Small GTPase Ras Activates the Oncogenic Lipd Kinase PI3K and thereby Amplifies PIP3 Signals, (Buckles, Ziemba, Masson, Williams & Falke)
- (2016) Discovery Via Single Molecule Analysis in vitrothat Ca Signals Stimulate PIP3 Lipid Signaling via a Ca-PKC-MARCKS-PI3K-PIP3 Activation Module(Ziemba, Swisher, Burke, Masson, Williams & Falke)
- (2016) Development of the First Single Molecule Assay for Class I PI3K Lipid Kinase Activity and PIP3 Production on a Reconstituted Plasma-Menbrane-Like Bilayer. (Ziemba, Swisher, Burke, Masson, Williams & Falke)
- (2014) Engineered Disulfide Bonds that Further Enhance the Kinetic Stability of the Bacterial Chemosensory Array (Ziemba, Pilling, Calleja, Larijani & Falke)
- (2014) Discovery of a New, Predominant Intermediate in the Activation Mechanism of Protein Kinase C (PKC) Bound to its Target Membrane (Ziemba, Li, Landgraf, Knight, Voth & Falke)
- (2013) Elucidation of a Novel Dimer-to-Monomer Activation Mechanism for the PH domain of PDK1 (Ziemba, Pilling, Calleja, Larijani & Falke)
- (2013) Discovery that Bound Lipid and Protein Keels In the Bilayer Make Additive Contributions to the Total Friction of Peripheral Proteins Undergoing Lateral Diffusion (Ziemba & Falke)
- (2013) Elucidation of the Structure and Function of Two Essential Protein-Protein Contacts in the Functional, Bacterial Chemosensory Array (Piasta, Natale, Duplantis, Ulliman, Slivka, Crane & Falke)
- (2012) Initial Evidence that the Ultrastability of the Bacterial Chemosensory Array Requires a High Degree of Array Order (Slivka & Falke)
- (2012) First Experimental Determination of a PH Domain Membrane Docking Geometry by EPR Depth Parameter Measurements (Chen, Ziemba & Falke)
- (2012) Development of a Single-Molecule Method for Detecting the Formation of Signaling Protein Complexes on Membrane Surfaces (Ziemba, Knight & Falke)
- (2011) Demonstration that the Sentry Glutamate is a Widespread Feature of PIP3-Specific Binding Sites in PH domains (Pilling, Landgraf & Falke)
- (2011) Development of One-Sample Method for Bulk Fret Measurements, Known As OSFRET (Erbse & Falke)
- (2010) First systematic study showing that tightly bound lipids make additive contributions to the bilayer friction of peripheral membrane proteins during lateral diffusion (Knight, Lerner, Velazquez, Pastor & Falke)
- (2009) Discovery that the conserved cytoplasmic domain of bacterial chemoreceptors transmits signals through its long four-helix bundle via a novel yin-yang mechanism (Swain & Falke)
- (2009) Discovery that the bacterial chemosensory signaling complex is ultrastable (Erbse & Falke)
- (2009) Development of a novel single-molecule method to probe the protein-lipid interactions and surface dynamics of membrane-bound proteins (Knight & Falke)
- (2008) Elucidation of the molecular mechanism underlying a highly oncogenic mutation in AKT1 PH domain known to cause multiple human cancers (Landgraf, Pilling & Falke)
- (2008) Determination of the distinct membrane docking geometries of PKC-alpha C2 domain in two different lipid binding states (Landgraf, Malmberg & Falke)
- (2007) Discovery that a localized Ca(II) influx is an essential component of the positive feedback loop at the macrophage leading edge (Evans & Falke)
- (2007) Chemical structure determination that the conserved HAMP signal conversion domain of bacterial chemoreceptors is a parallel 4-helix bundle (Swain & Falke)
- (2007, 2006) Demonstration that PIP2 is a third essential target lipid of PKC-alpha (Evans, Corbin, Landgraf & Falke)
- (2006) Chemical mapping of four protein interactions sites on the surface of the bacterial chemosensory kinase CheA (Miller, Kohout & Falke)
- (2005) Discovery of a conserved, essential Gly hinge in the cytoplasmic 4-helix bundle of bacterial chemoreceptors (Coleman, Bass & Falke)
- (2005) Elucidation of the electrostatic mechanism underlying adaptation site signaling in bacterial chemoreceptors (Starrettt & Falke)
- (2004) EPR determination of the highest resolution membrane docking geometry currently available Ð the C2 domain of cytosolic phospholipase A2 (Malmberg & Falke)
- (2004) Development of an electrostatic method to drive piston displacements of transmembrane helices (Miller & Falke)
- (2004) Discovery that GRP1 PH domain uses an electrostatic search mechanism to rapidly find its rare target lipid PIP3 (Corbin & Falke)
- (2003) Chemical mapping of the protein interaction sites on the surface of bacterial chemoreceptors (Mehan & Falke)
- (2003) Demonstration that covalent adaptation introduces multiple sub-states into the on-off switching behavior of the receptor-CheA signaling complex (Bornhorst & Falke)
- (1999) Chemical determination of the 4-helix bundle architecture of bacterial chemoreceptor cytoplasmic domains (Bass, Butler, Danielson & Falke)
- (1997) Elucidation of the Ca(II)-signaling cycle for the membrane-docking C2 domain of cytosolic phospholipase A2, the Ca(II) sensor of inflammation (Nalefski & Falke)
- (1997) Development of a novel FRET assay for monitoring the equilibrium and kinetic parameters of protein-membrane docking reactions (Nalefski & Falke)
- (1996) Discovery that the amino acid at the gateway position of EF-hand sites controls the Ca(II) on-off kinetics (Drake & Falke)
- (1996) Determination of the effects of protein stabilizing agents on long-range backbone motions in proteins via disulfide trapping (Butler & Falke)
- (1996) Discovery that the transmembrane signal of bacterial chemoreceptors is transmitted by a piston displacement of the signaling helix (Chervitz & Falke)
- (1995) Engineering reversible, lock-on and lock-off disulfide bonds that covalently trap the signaling states of bacterial chemoreceptors (Chervitz & Falke)
- (1994) Use of 19F NMR to probe conformational changes in a receptor (Danielson & Falke)
- (1993) Use of 19F NMR to probe conformational changes in a signaling protein (Drake & Falke)
- (1992) Detection and trajectory analysis of thermal backbone motions in a folded, aqueous protein by a novel disulfide trapping method (Careaga & Falke)
- (1991) Use of 19F NMR to probe conformational changes in a binding protein (Luck & Falke)